Halloween User Event begins on City of Heroes!


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
Today officially starts the Holloween User Event! You can Trick or Treat, get badges for killing mythical beasts, and fight giant pumpkin heads!

Ahh, it's real fun as it breaks for the usual questing.
Is there a trial for City of Heroes? I would like to try it.
That must be great for all 3 people that play it

I tried it last year. It's brilliant but I have no time for MMORPGs. Or monies. Especially the monies bit.
It's not that exciting.
All you get is a fifth costume slot.
It's not that exciting.
All you get is a fifth costume slot.

Yeah, after playing more and more into it, I realized..it's really not that different from the 2004 version. I was hoping maybe I was missing something. Maybe they will add something else?