Halo 2 on Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc #38


May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Has anyone discovered the "super-special secret Easter Egg"? It's supposedly Halo 2. I'm dying to know what it is. I've been trying and trying to guess the code. No luck so far.
Mithrandir2 said:
yea, dont worry its not halo 2, its like some MGS3 thing
No! Don't think so. It says here that it is playable. Therefore, it couldn't be MGS3. This only leads to Halo 2.
Also, MGS3 is not being released for the Xbox anytime soon.
it wouldnt be halo2. if it was, i think the whole internet would be spammed with "HALO 2 DEMO ON DISCS" and stuff... unless no-one genuinly knows what the code is... maybe the writers lost it or something :)
Suicide42 said:
it wouldnt be halo2. if it was, i think the whole internet would be spammed with "HALO 2 DEMO ON DISCS" and stuff... unless no-one genuinly knows what the code is... maybe the writers lost it or something :)
True. But what else could it be? They are describing it as and explaining it as Halo 2. I still believe it is Halo 2.
On the cover:

FIND OUR INCREDIBLE EASTER EGG DEMO. A Japanese game you can't find anywhere else!

Being that the demo is Japanese I highly doubt that it is Halo 2.
JamesPicard_007 said:
On the cover:

FIND OUR INCREDIBLE EASTER EGG DEMO. A Japanese game you can't find anywhere else!

Being that the demo is Japanese I highly doubt that it is Halo 2.
Oops! I didn't catch that. Sorry about this thread guys. It is indeed, NOT Halo 2. ;(
then what is it? im intrigued :) is it ninja gaiden 2 or something?

i just thought of something... why would they want to put a halo2 demo as an "easter egg", when they could just put it on the front cover and sell MILLIONS of copies of theyre magazine, making a huge profit?
Well just so you know...

It's called Phantom Dust and...

A, Up, X, Y, Left, Right, B, B, Down, Down, Y, Left, X, Right, A, Up, Down
The Thing said:
Well just so you know...

It's called Phantom Dust and...

A, Up, X, Y, Left, Right, B, B, Down, Down, Y, Left, X, Right, A, Up, Down
Thank you. :cheers:
The Thing said:
I have a little friend called Google.. :D
Yeah. I tried Google, too. But for some reason, it didn't bring up the results I was looking for. :(
User Name said:
Yeah. I tried Google, too. But for some reason, it didn't bring up the results I was looking for, :(

That's because you have to work with the friend, not completely rely on it.

I used Google to look up the OXM website and then searched the forums for this easter egg. Turns out it was on the front page. I clicked it and then posted it here.

Thread for reference:


Help for getting through Phantom Dust:

The Thing said:
That's because you have to work with the friend, not completely rely on it.

I used Google to look up the OXM website and then searched the forums for this easter egg. Turns out it was on the front page. I clicked it and then posted it here.

Thread for reference:


Help for getting through Phantom Dust:

Yeah, I figured all that. After you said what the Easter Egg actually was, I went to the TeamXbox forums. And low and behold, there it was. :rolleyes: