Halo 2 review from gamespot coming Sunday , predictions ne1?

I'd say, 9.0-9.9.
No game can get 10 unless it has infinite levels which doesn't get repetitive and has kick-ass photo realistic visuals and sound and unlimited replay value and superb bug-free gameplay and multiplayer.
Tredoslop said:
I'd say, 9.0-9.9.
No game can get 10 unless it has infinite levels which doesn't get repetitive and has kick-ass photo realistic visuals and sound and unlimited replay value and superb bug-free gameplay and multiplayer.

In other words...it's impossible :P

I predict 9.5.
The developers would have to constantly create new levels and put them on the internet for you to download. But the fact that you have to manually go to the site(s) and wait and download them would be a con, especially for the lazy people, and the game could not be perfect.
I'd say Halo 2 will get a 9.7, just like last time.
Gamespot has given a lot of 10s...
100% rating isn't nessercarily (sp) the perfect game that will last a life time and never get boring. Its more the perfect game and the best that genre can get with todays standards so imo GT4 would be a 100% rating game if i reviewed it because it has no flaws (except the lack of online play until Q1 2005 and physical car damage but unless Polyphony plan on breaking the law that is a no-go even though i quite remember them saying they want car damage in Gran Turismo in an old preview of GT3.). Oh and official xbox magazines review of halo2 having 100% does'nt count...thats like valve scoring HL2 at 100%.

Halo2 will get 5/10. Heh. It will probably get 9/10 though.
The Thing said:
Gamespot has given a lot of 10s...
only 4.

Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Soul Caliber (DC)
THPS 3 (PS2)
ChronoTrigger (or something along those lines)

I doubt it will get a 10.
Around 8-9, probably. It really depends alot on length of the game etc.
Sparta said:
only 4.

Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Soul Caliber (DC)
THPS 3 (PS2)
ChronoTrigger (or something along those lines)

I doubt it will get a 10.

That's a "lot" to me...
how about who cares? it's gonna rock, it's gonna get good reviews, why must we speculate on HOW good?

gamespot is bias and will prolly give it 10
thehunter1320 said:
how about who cares? it's gonna rock, it's gonna get good reviews, why must we speculate on HOW good?

gamespot is bias and will prolly give it 10

Gamespot aren't bias. If anything they might be slightly bias towards consoles, but not like other magazines.
sure they will give it high but not perfect,and if dont get perfect sure the Halofanboys will get mad
Gamespot is the least bias of the internet reviewers easily.
I'll take a sure shot that it will score a 9.8. Even though it doesn't deserve 1/3 of that. :o
I dont really trust any reviews anymore after Doom 3 and Metroid Prime.

If anything they only give you an estimated figure, which is why like straight figures (9/10 or something) instead of decimals and */100.
The only game gamespot gave a ten was chrono cross. I dought Halo 2 will get a ten.
dream431ca said:
The only game gamespot gave a ten was chrono cross. I dought Halo 2 will get a ten.
Eh...not quite.

There is also...

Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Soul Caliber (DC)
THPS 3 (PS2)

id say strong 9's
gamespot is always fair with their ratings, unlike ign who overrates everything
Well, there are rumours of halo 2 getting a 9.1 from gamespot.

It seems they accidently posted the score in the "editors choice" column, but then realised their mistake and it was removed soon. I actually even saw it, along with many people at GS forums before they removed it. It could be a way to taunt people or the truth.

Screenshot evidence:

Whoa, less than Far Cry...and the original..
While I do admit seeing it actually, it could be a trick by Gamespot. I'm still not saying this is confirmed since the GS editors failed to comment on it's authenticity.
The Thing said:
Whoa, less than Far Cry...and the original..

....Was there something bad about FarCry or something?
Alig said:
....Was there something bad about FarCry or something?

No, it's just that it was the first game that I saw that was a FPS..
Farcry was pretty good and was the first Next Generation Game out. Maybe you hated the story and everything, but all in all it was a decent game. It had AI that wasn't seen before. It had graphics that sure were.. plastic...at times.. but hey they were better than things before it. Sure the physics arn't that good but what other physics were there when it was made? What other game could you have all that and then see 1km in the distance when it was made....

All i gotta say bout farcry..
I thought Far Cry was excellent as well, and I still don't understand the hate for it.
I think Gamespot is messing with us on their Halo 2 Review. Earlier it said Halo 2 recieved a 9.1, now it says that Halo 2 got a 6.9? I took a screen shot of it and attached it. I'm pretty sure this is all one big joke from Gamespot. I hope it is a joke, anyway.
har har.

Nice photoshop job, Maxxpower. ;)

It says n/a

BTW - Far cry is definately an amazingly fun game, but with a crap story.
lans said:
har har.

Nice photoshop job, Maxxpower. ;)

It says n/a
Earlier it said 6.9, now it says N/A. I promise that it said 6.9 earlier. I have a link to the Gamespot forums where they talk about the 6.9 score. Did anyone else here on this forum see it? Link to Gamespot topic
Yes it said 6.9. It was a joke by the Gamespot staff however because people kept making shit up about the score.
Planeforger said:
Maybe he meant that it should have got a perfect 10? :cheese:
I was thinking somewhere more in the 7's.
I didn't think it was that fun to walk back and forth repeatedly about 50 times just to find some artifacts or to get to the next level. The gameplay wasn't that fun either. Nothing was really challenging and to give the game a 9.7 is just ridiculous to me. My friend (whose an RTS freak but still loves his consoles, oh so much) has played it too and he didn't think it was good enough to be given the same score as GoldenEye, and i agree. There is nothing in that game that makes me want to play it again, especially the soundtrack. Its so tedious and repetitive, especially when in the magmoor caverns. BAH, that was a massive disappointment
I'd be surprised if it got lower than 9.0. Halo 2 just seems to be the sort of game Gamespot love to cream all over.