Halo 3 MP beta is out May 16th, worldwide


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
Halo 3 MP beta lands May 16th, worldwide

Edit: More informative link: http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=topnews&link=MPBetaAndVidocRelease

There is a video, it shows what X does among other things.

By the way, for those who are confused about the X button, Frankie just clarified it in a thread. Here is what he wrote:


You saw three kinds in the vid.

It has nothing to do with nades or power ups."

I'm guessing that includes the shield bubble and the landmine.
okay i am torn between yay over the date and boo over the x button function.
Dammit, just watched the video. The animations still suck. The running animation has always looked shitty to me and they keep using the same one. Does anyone know if they used motion capture, because it sure doesn't look like it.
I'm actually suprised they didn't take more time out to revamp the engine more. But the battle rifle is back, so woop. I hope it's more like Halo 1 amd that's all hope for really, doesn't really look all that.
Cool, I'll remember to make a visit to my friends that day. Also to bring my sleeping bag, too.

Joking aside, I wasn't expecting much from the X button anyway. Deployable objects sounds cool. Downloading the video now.
It doesn't seem so much like "Deployables" as like an auxiliary grenade type.

You can drop the shield generator thing or a landmine (that's all the video showed).

I hope these things and changes to weapons balance the game and make it more skill-based unlike Halo 2.
The demo of CD was boring, nuff said. As for H3, I'm happy with the whole thing, can't wait to use that trip mine :D
After watching that video, I am very tempted to go out and buy Crackdown and get into the beta. Looks awesome.

The ''Man-Cannon'' is a little disappointing. It's basically one of those gravity propeller things from Halo 2 but with a bit more throwing distance. Ah well.
After watching that video, I am very tempted to go out and buy Crackdown and get into the beta. Looks awesome.

The ''Man-Cannon'' is a little disappointing. It's basically one of those gravity propeller things from Halo 2 but with a bit more throwing distance. Ah well.

Yeah, and if sniping is even close to as easy as it was in Halo 2 it will be way too easy to kill people flying through the air :(
For sure. But then, the gravity boost always was a death trap really. All this thing is going to do is draw attention to yourself and anyone following/attacking from the same area. I was expecting some sort of actual cannon that you entered and it shot you across the map really fast.

EDIT: Hold the phone - the demo will only be playable for 3 weeks after release? That sucks. Why? :\