Halo copied Half Life ??


Oct 20, 2004
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I just realised that "the flood" in Halo consisted of a load of mutated species, that had an uncanny resemblance to the headcrabs and zombies of Half Life. There were the numerous jumpy things with tentacles and bulgy heads; exactly like the headcrabs, and the mutated soldiers who ran around with big spiky hands; just like the zombies.
I know it could have been a simple coincidence, but I reckon one of the ingredients that made Halo one of the best console games ever; was taken from the best pc game ever. Cant console games get their own ideas??
Half-Life copied Doom.

Doom copied Aliens.

Aliens copied The Thing.

Sensing a pattern yet? :) it's easy to find similarities between things, because nothing is truely original.
Half Life was never an original game, it was just an average story told really well.

swiss said:
I know it could have been a simple coincidence, but I reckon one of the ingredients that made Halo one of the best console games ever; was taken from the best pc game ever. Cant console games get their own ideas??

Sorry, make that one of the best games ever. You could find some aspect of every game that bears some semblance to another game. Seems like another thread to knock Halo.

Further, I can't even begin to fathom why peeps are already dubbing HL2 better than Halo 2. Or even why they have to keep saying one is better than the other. Same with Doom 3 and HL2 or even Metroid Prime 2. Throw them all into the mix. Be a hater...you sell yourself short as a gamer by simply not playing a game because it's not PC only title or because it's not made by Valve, etc. Just my 2 cents.....oh and I'm not saying you're in this category Swiss.
my mod idea is the most original thing ever. cause hige distasters and take pictures, then tsell the pictures to the media.

stfu about pokemon snap
Does it matter? If its cool, go with it! Yes, they could be more original, but what's tried & true also tends to sell.

What's great about HL1/2 is that if you have a better idea for a monster, go and make one! If its really that good you'll have a number of single-player mods wanting to include your work.
The Thing copied Space Invaders.
Space Invaders copied Pong.
Pong copied Table Tennis.
Table Tennis copied Tennis.
Tennis copied World War 2.
World War 2 copied Neanderthals chucking rocks at each other for fire.
...and so on and so forth...
Yes, me and my friend thought of this too when playing through Halo.
OMGZ0rS!!! HAL0 is a FPS just like HL2 is!! BWARGH!!!
Ok seriously now. I totally understand the thread-starter. There are major resemblances between Halo and HL, as there are with HL and Doom. But can you blame a game maker for taking ideas from the best games out there? I am all for it. It's the only way we progress.
The similarities between hl and doom are all graphical.
Homer said:
The similarities between hl and doom are all graphical.
not exactly...

Research scientists accidentally open a portal and can't shut it down. (Hell - Xen)
Love to state the truth to people who think that there was never any media at all before valve came along...

Half life 2 copied roughly the following things:

Starship troopers
brazil (i think)
just about every media with a evil global police
every media with the world being a shit hole.
etc. etc. etc.

Half life copied:

Aliens 1 2 3
all media with aliens vs. marines
all media with a scientist being some gun ace
various medias ideas for enemy troops
all other games up to that point.

The most original game ever was Pong and even that was a direct copy of table tennis.


"I have to state the obvious: Half-life>Halo 1 and 2 combined"

winner of the most retated comment of the week contest.
look, i aint taking any jabs at Halo; its a great game and came up with some new stuff, im just pointing out the fact that there are some strong resemblances between the two games , as I suppose there are between HL and other old games. But it would be nice to see some new material in games.
Plus why am I a dork , elephant>?
Because you even suggested that Halo copied HL2. The games are not even similar, and it's a ridiculous assumption.
If you want a game that copied HL it's red faction that game didn't do anything diffrent from HL. exept Geo-Mod (allows you to make caves from your rocket lancher) but take that out then it's HL.
lordoftheroot said:
If you want a game that copied HL it's red faction that game didn't do anything diffrent from HL. exept Geo-Mod (allows you to make caves from your rocket lancher) but take that out then it's HL.

How? :| It shared a few weapons and the first person viewpoint, but the plot and locations were totally different. Maybe it's just because I haven't played it in a while, but I can't figure out how Red Faction was just HL with Geo mod.
i Found the gameplay to be very similer. the way the story played off. it was less contrete things then aliens, it was the taste of the whole game.
Well, this thread got me thinking. And that's never good.
Anyways, I realized something:

Half-Life 2 copied Half-Life! DAMN YOU VALVE, GET YOUR OWN IDEAS!!!

Lots of games are based on the ideas in Half-Life.
Halo had great potential. Then they console-ed it and rushed it out the door. Ended up having the most repetitive levels I have ever seen in a game.
A lot of FPS games in the last five years have copied Half-Life, including Doom 3. Some are just more blatant about it than others.
i have always said that since the day Halo came out. I was like, WTF!!!! Halo copied HL. WTF is up with that thats gay There's some retarded kids at my hs that think Halo came out before HL. I was like WTF were you thinking?
If you can create a massive story that no one will be able to find any definite similarities with any other story (it has to be understandable as well) then I will personally give you all my money to help you publish your work.

Guess what, you won't be able to do it. Like everyone said in here, nothing is original.
lordoftheroot said:
Halo was run and gun. HL was the thinking mans FPS.

...No it most certainly ****ing wasn't.

IRT Thread starter

Not once throughout the duration of Halo did I ever think of a similarity to Half-Life, except that they both had guns and first-person perspectives. I'm not sure where you found the similarity between the flood and the headcrabs. Because they're both parasites? Those existed long before Half-Life, my friend.
TheX said:
i have always said that since the day Halo came out. I was like, WTF!!!! Halo copied HL. WTF is up with that thats gay There's some retarded kids at my hs that think Halo came out before HL. I was like WTF were you thinking?

That sig is ridiculous.
Halo ripped off a lot of things. Remember the elites? They are like the Predator. With those invisibility and all.
But so did Half-Life.
TheX said:
i have always said that since the day Halo came out. I was like, WTF!!!! Halo copied HL. WTF is up with that thats gay There's some retarded kids at my hs that think Halo came out before HL. I was like WTF were you thinking?

For every person who reads your sig, that's one more person who gouges out their eyes with their own mouse.

Thank you, sir, for blinding me.
Absinthe said:
...No it most certainly ****ing wasn't.
I guess not compared to Doom. But Halo was a very big leveled game with massive hallways so there was no real good cover. But you don't need the cover to reload or what ever because of the regenerating shield. with Halo you felt OK to run in to a room Gun a blazing again thanks to the regenerating shield. Halo is a great game and so is HL but they are very different games. On this we agree Absinthe
If you want to see original.. go see original kings of comedy!!! ( :hmph: ) Seriously.. all comedians before that movie, were all unoriginal!! THANK YOU CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER.
Half-life was the first game that i can remember that involved real interaction with AI. The character's. and they ways you interacted with them, are what makes Half-Life stand out tome...everyone knows Barney...
lordoftheroot said:
I guess not compared to Doom. But Halo was a very big leveled game with massive hallways so there was no real good cover. But you don't need the cover to reload or what ever because of the regenerating shield. with Halo you felt OK to run in to a room Gun a blazing again thanks to the regenerating shield. Halo is a great game and so is HL but they are very different games. On this we agree Absinthe

Heh...you've obviously never played Legendary. That's where the true Halo SP experience is at. Normal and Heroic are too easy. There are plenty of things to hide behind. You'll be lucky if Elites don't circle around you or grenade you though while you're waiting for your shields to come back up. For outside levels theres plenty of trees, rocks, hills, vehicles, terrain to hide behind. Inside there's corners, pillars, blockade thingies, computer thingies etc.

HL and Halo did not make up the whole "parasite that bites the host and the host becomes an alien thing." That's been done plenty of times in movies and games and tv shows. Vampires anyone?
Tbh Half Life copied original Doom ideas, ideas are never original and will b copied untill some1 makes up a new 'idea' so other ppl can then copy that 'idea' which will lead into other 'ideas', which then gives me the 'idea' that i shuld go to bed......good 'idea' , no ?