Halo may lose Hellboy director


May 5, 2004
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"Director Peter Jackson (King Kong, The Lord of the Rings) has confirmed there've been discussions with Guillermo del Toro (Hellboy) about directing the hyped adaptation of Bungie's Halo, but nothing's set in stone. Del Toro's heart seems set on Hellboy 2, and if the studio greenlights the project, he'll likely pass on Halo, he told Empire Online.
"I'm in talks with them [Universal and Fox] and Peter, but it's not true that it's on and Hellboy's off. Hellboy's on. If everything goes as planned, Hellboy will go," he says. "The ideal for me would be to do Hellboy 2 and if Halo doesn't go away, then yeah, I'd love to do both. But it may go to somebody else. We'll see."

at least it's good to see that they're trying to get talented creative people working on halo .....unlike that hack Boll

Guillermo del Toro, best know as the director of hellboy (although in my opinion his best movie is El Dia de la Bestia ..a film from spain about the apocolypse ..one of the craziest funniest movies I've seen in years ..the insane fist fight between a murderous fanatical mother and priest alone is worth a rental ..if you can find it in the foreign section ..I saw it in spain and absolutely loved it)
Sulkdodds said:
Hmmm...Hellboy any good?
Unless you like the comic, its not very good. Its watchable on cable if you have nothing else to do at all, but its just not that engrossing if you haven't already become engrossed with the universe it depicts. Better than The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, mind you, but not as good as Van Helsing (which also wasn't very good, but which should give you a pretty good gauge for it now :) )

And unfortunately for Halo fans, I don't think anyone short of Ridley Scott or Steven Spielberg could save the Halo movie. Look at the source material: cliche after cliche after cliche. The film had better be a radical departure from the game if it wants to succeed at the box office.
Hellboy was rather bad imo..
Yeah, Hellboy was a very lame movie. This news comes as good news to me.

I reckon the Halo movie will be lame no matter who directs it. It's hardly the most complex game in the world.
didnt see hellboy ...loved the comic but these days I avoid hollywood big budget films like the plague ..well that and Hellboy didnt resemble Mike Mignola's creation one bit
I'm watching Hellboy right now coincidently.
Go figure I'm also a big fan of the comics. *points up*

I actually admire del Toro for what he did on the film, and I really love it. Don't be thinking that he tossed away Mignolas work and thought he could do it better. Rather he had a lot of initial input from Mignola and they both agreed that it was far better for del Toro to do his own Hellboy story, rather than try and imitate the comics.

So the result was a funny, quirky movie right inline with del Toro's strengths. It literally plays out like a good comic book, that never tries too hard to be realistic, and isn't ashamed of being dorky. And for the record, Mignola has stated that he also loved the film.

All of that said, its not what I'd call "accessible." Familiarity, or at least an interest in, Hellboy and Lovecraft aren't necessary, but they help a lot. Its one of those films that some will appreciate and many will simply shrug at.
The film is good as long as your a fan of the comics.

And Halo isn't just a bunch of cliches :|. It may use ideas that have already been presented before, but that doesn't mean anything. Everything does. Including a little game called...oh I don't know...Half-Life 2.
VictimOfScience said:
Unless you like the comic, its not very good. Its watchable on cable if you have nothing else to do at all, but its just not that engrossing if you haven't already become engrossed with the universe it depicts. Better than The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, mind you, but not as good as Van Helsing (which also wasn't very good, but which should give you a pretty good gauge for it now :) )

And unfortunately for Halo fans, I don't think anyone short of Ridley Scott or Steven Spielberg could save the Halo movie. Look at the source material: cliche after cliche after cliche. The film had better be a radical departure from the game if it wants to succeed at the box office.
did you see the script review? http://latinoreview.com/scriptreviews/halo/review.html

i think it looks decent, and with a good director, who can really visualize the large scale battles required to make the movie work (and also a lover of video games) the Halo movie could be damn good, especially if Peter Jackson puts in a lot of input (which he probably will)
CptStern said:
didnt see hellboy ...loved the comic but these days I avoid hollywood big budget films like the plague ..well that and Hellboy didnt resemble Mike Mignola's creation one bit
You did not miss much that film was lame.
Direwolf said:
I'm watching Hellboy right now coincidently.
Go figure I'm also a big fan of the comics. *points up*

I actually admire del Toro for what he did on the film, and I really love it. Don't be thinking that he tossed away Mignolas work and thought he could do it better. Rather he had a lot of initial input from Mignola and they both agreed that it was far better for del Toro to do his own Hellboy story, rather than try and imitate the comics.

So the result was a funny, quirky movie right inline with del Toro's strengths. It literally plays out like a good comic book, that never tries too hard to be realistic, and isn't ashamed of being dorky. And for the record, Mignola has stated that he also loved the film.

All of that said, its not what I'd call "accessible." Familiarity, or at least an interest in, Hellboy and Lovecraft aren't necessary, but they help a lot. Its one of those films that some will appreciate and many will simply shrug at.

I dont know ...hellboy to me ..or at least Mignola's Hellboy was a bit creepy ..almost like a gothic horror ..again I havent seen the movie but from the previews I have seen it doesnt look like that made it to the bigscreen ...the wise cracking part did thou, which I thought Ron Rerlman would be an excellent choice ...he remind me of a less talented Tom Waits ...kinda looks like him too
Hellboy's always been this weird balance of gothic horror juxtiposed with an almost self-referential style of humor. While its not quite as heavy on the horror aspect as the comics, the style remains.

For my money, the thing that del Toro actually did better than Mignola (largely because of the differences of the medium) is to flesh the characters from the comics out, and give them real dimension.

In the end, I just recommend you go rent it (Directors Cut for preference). I think a comic book fan can appreciate it, even if its not exactly the Mona Lisa. If you enjoy the Xmen movies (with all the comic-book silliness) there shouldn't be a problem.
I doubt any A class directors will touch Halo because it's a video game movie. Directing video game movies brings a sort of notoriety to the director. Of course that could change should someone produce a videogame to movie adaptation that's actually good.
mortiz said:
I doubt any A class directors will touch Halo because it's a video game movie. Directing video game movies brings a sort of notoriety to the director. Of course that could change should someone produce a videogame to movie adaptation that's actually good.
Well, Chris Gans directed the Silent Hill movie, and he did Brotherhood of the Wolf before that (which, admittedly did better in Europe than the US, but is still a damn fine film, I think)
we just need more good directors to do them and then the A-List guys will catch on as the movies get better and better
They need to start looking at good games to adapt. And not letting Uwe Boll anywhere near them. If Deus Ex and Max Payne were adapted into good films, I'd be in goddamn heaven.
DeusExMachinia said:
They need to start looking at good games to adapt. And not letting Uwe Boll anywhere near them. If Deus Ex and Max Payne were adapted into good films, I'd be in goddamn heaven.
I'd love to see John Woo (from back in his Hong Kong days) do Max Payne, that would be an incredible film
WHOA. Absolutely not jose. He could direct the action scenes, but not the whole movie. Someone needs to get the Neo-Noir elements down and I highly doubt Woo would even bother with that. His American films have been quite underpar compared to his HK ones.

EDIT: I just noticed you said from back in his hong kong days. For some reason, I didn't see it when I read it o_O. Sorry. But still, for the noir elements we should get Christopher Nolan to direct.
DeusExMachinia said:
EDIT: I just noticed you said from back in his hong kong days. For some reason, I didn't see it when I read it o_O. Sorry. But still, for the noir elements we should get Christopher Nolan to direct.
Alright, I can see what you're syaing there, yes, it would be better to have a director like Chris Nolan do the main story sequences, while John Woo does the action sequences - especially some like he did for The Killer and Hardboiled
I don't think you can have 2 directors for the same movie if they're in the directors guild thingy. In Sin City, Tarantino directed a part because he wasn't in the guild, and Frank Miller only got a directors credit because Rodriguez left the guild before filming. I think.
StardogChampion said:
I don't think you can have 2 directors for the same movie if they're in the directors guild thingy. In Sin City, Tarantino directed a part because he wasn't in the guild, and Frank Miller only got a directors credit because Rodriguez left the guild before filming. I think.

You mean the "A Band Apart"? As far as I know they're all still in it.
StardogChampion said:
I don't think you can have 2 directors for the same movie if they're in the directors guild thingy. In Sin City, Tarantino directed a part because he wasn't in the guild, and Frank Miller only got a directors credit because Rodriguez left the guild before filming. I think.

yes you're right ..Rodriguez left temporarily
Well, whatever happens, (and I do hpoe a HL movie gets made), DO NOT let Paul Anderson (Resident Evil, Aliens vs Predator) direct it, oh movie producer gurus. He really ruined both of those potetially great movies. He writes the scripts as well, and boy is he a f**ktard! He needs to realize that the main people that want to watch these movies want to see the game and characters they know and love, acted out in a movie. Not some dickheads general idea of the game changed to suit them.

-Resident Evil-
He didnt use the main popular characters, made up some more of his own, set the whole damn thing in the Umbrella corp building instead of the town or mansion, and forgot the basic spirit of the game - killing zombies and solving puzzles.

Even worse. He only had 3 predators, and killed 2 of them real quick, so the rest of the movie just had 1. GRRRRRRR. He missed SO many opportunities to be great ie; predalien- we would have loved to see that in action, NOT as a baby at the very end, when it is highly unlikely anyone will be allowed to make AvP2. What about other alien types mentioned in the novels/comics? Snake aliens, gorilla ones.... more missed opportunities. Making the main character a woman- clearly just trying to emulate the success of Ripley, but in a very bad way. (the chick that played the main role in AvP had such a little idea of her role in the film and the background of it all, that in the commentary on the dvd, she says they shouldn't have had acid for blood in the aliens, cos she thinks that is stupid!!!) Paul Anderson is quoted as saying " I didnt want to make another movie in space or the future (even though fans wanted to see space marines against heaps of aliens & predators, like in the Avp2 game), so I thought- what else is a cold and isolated place- Antarctica!" Not because it would be a good story/place for a story, but because of some arty-farty SYMBOLISIM. Woo Hoo. Then of course there is the whole "lets try to link the movies with a rediculous and badly explained "introducing" of a past character.

Sorry to rant, but my point is- We CAN'T let Paul Anderson near a HL movie deal. Unless you want him to make G-Man into K-Woman, Change Gordon Freeman to something more stylised like Johnny Everyman, and base the whole thing on Mars with Zombies (groan) instead of an invasion...etc. Like they did with Doom (not Anderson this time). (GRRRR again).
He ruined the franchises by making them action movies. Resident Evil and Alien weren't about action, it was about horror.
DeusExMachinia said:
He ruined the franchises by making them action movies. Resident Evil and Alien weren't about action, it was about horror.
Yet another good point.

Although there were a couple of good parts in each, like the slow-mo facehugger jump in AvP, and the laser in the corridor in Resident Evil, but those few seconds do not make up for the rest of the crap in those movies. I am a huge fan of both games, and was absolutly gutted when I allowed those movies to violate my eyes. You just don't get a second chance at these things. ;(
All the stuff you cited wasn't the problem with the films at all. All of that's just ways in which they differ from the games, which don't matter because it should be a good film first and a good version of the game second. The real problem with those flms wasn't all that stuff you said - they just weren't very good.

Sulkdodds said:
All the stuff you cited wasn't the problem with the films at all. All of that's just ways in which they differ from the games, which don't matter because it should be a good film first and a good version of the game second. The real problem with those flms wasn't all that stuff you said - they just weren't very good.
Yes and no. You are right in that they just weren't good movies. But it was more than that. Imo a movie based on a game must remain faithful to the game, because:
The only people who will care about the movie (at first anyway) will be the people who loved the game, and let's face it- a Half-life movie with say, no Gordon Freeman, or no zombies, would piss you off right? Or what if the director wanted striders with 6 legs instead of 3- because he thought it was more 'artistic'. Or change the striders into tanks instead? It could happen! It wouldn't be HL at all. Game lovers notice the small things, and for some director to change the world these people love is blasphemy! Alternatively, when people see something that is exactly from the game, they go nuts, and love it. Why mess with it? If someone doesn't want to follow a pre-set world/story, they should make up their own damn one! At least no-one will have any expectations.
Hellboy was one of my favorite comic-to-movie movies. Definately. I just loved the product placement, too, even that was hilarious.

Halo movie. How wonderful.

I hope that Hollywood will someday realize that making every story that isn't already a movie into a movie is just ****ing stupid. Doom? Dead or Alive? All the dumbass comic movies? Write your own goddamn stories, damn...