Halo Movie Script Reviewed


May 27, 2003
Reaction score
Well somehow these guys got their hands on the Halo movie script (as well as the Splinter Cell movie script) and they reviewed them both.

They said Halo sounds like it's going to be f*cking amazing and is going to simply amaze the world as a videogame to movie adaptation... They gave Halo 5 out of 5 stars.

Splinter Cell got 4 out of 5 stars.

Here is a snippet from the Halo review.

Yes folks, we at Latinoreview got ourselves the multimillion-dollar script of Halo by Alex Garland! I had to pull some Sam Fisher Splinter Cell moves to get it – but we got it. Let’s see, they paid Alex Garland $1 million bucks to write it, they sold it to Universal and Fox for $5 million bucks plus 10 percent of the gross. And they gave a seven-figure deal to both Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh to exec produce the movie. A $10 million dollar script – at least. Wow. The question: Is the script any good? My answer?

Hell yeah, baby! This script rocks man. The script is so damn good and entertaining that I read it more than once. A tour de force. The clowns at the other studios who passed on this are gonna lose their jobs when this movie comes out and opens huge. Whoever at the other studios thought that this script wasn’t up to snuff can kiss my ass. Idiots. You think Peter Jackson is going to get involved with a property if the script royally sucked?! I think not.

Note that if you don't want anything spoiled from the movies, please do not read these.

Halo review: http://latinoreview.com/scriptreviews/halo/review.html
Splinter Cell review: http://latinoreview.com/scriptreviews/splintercell/review.html

Enjoy! :)
That is quite a large amount of spoilers.

Is there proof that this site can be trusted? Edit: Seems reputable.

Iced_Eagle said:
That's why that disclaimer text is there :)

Merely emphasizing.
Note that if you don't want anything spoiled from the movies, please do not read these.

That's why that disclaimer text is there :)
Not much of spoilers since it's based on the games. Unles you never played the games but since I already played the game and read the three books. So nothing in there was spoilled for me and I think it's going to be an amazing movie. By the time it comes out the new HD players will be out so I will buy it on that. :)
His review screams fanboy, but if what he says is accurate, count me in. I liked the Halo story a lot.
Publicity stunt... movie gonna suck.
I don't know... I mean Halo was a good game but a movie?

I just hope that the chirstians don't rape it like Doom.
Halo has a movie-style storyline, so I don't think a movie would screw up badly. You can't just judge a movie based on it's script though.
JellyWorld said:
Halo has a movie-style storyline, so I don't think a movie would screw up badly. You can't just judge a movie based on it's script though.

Watch me.

<judges movie based on its script>
A script can be great but the movie can still be shit.

Especially if Uwe Boll is involved.
Peter Jackson is working on it, so my hopes are up :)
I expected nothing less from Garland. He's a great writer. Now, all Bungie needs to do is get a good Director and we are ****ing set yo. Ridley Scott is still number one on my list who should direct it.
I knew it. The Covanant are portayed as
rabid aliens and not intelligent creatures.
If James Cameron directs this film I will cry with joy.
I will cry tears of sperm. From my penis.

EDIT: Whoops, did I just click that there 'post reply' button?
Honestly, if this film is done well it will be amazing. The Halo story was top notch (although Halo2 sucked). Honestly, there are very few games that can match Halo's Sci-fi story, and that is saying something. I love bees was even better. My only critisicm of this script is that it seems to have a lot of combat; I know it's based around a game, but too much emphasis on combat = bad reviews, and I fecking hope this will be a 5 star film, because it deserves to be D:
Suicide42 said:
Honestly, if this film is done well it will be amazing. The Halo story was top notch (although Halo2 sucked). Honestly, there are very few games that can match Halo's Sci-fi story

Ok, the story was pretty good but it certainly wasn't that good.
I like how the script takes a lot of the stuff from the books which is good for the fans who go into the expanded universe :). My hopes are still a little above average for this film.

But we need Ridley Scott dammit. Ridley freakin' Scott. Not Tony Scott. Not James Cameron. Ridley Scott.
The story was good, everything is there, you can't mess it up.
Splinter cell sounds like it would make a better movie. Halo has such a video-gamish premise, but splinter cell has roots in literature.
TheSomeone said:
Splinter cell sounds like it would make a better movie. Halo has such a video-gamish premise, but splinter cell has roots in literature.
halo may not have it's roots in literature, but it has it's fair share of (good) books about the game which expands on, and continues the story.

besides, many people will argue that tom clancy's book are horrible, so having a base there may not be a good thing for many.
Suicide42 said:
If James Cameron directs this film I will cry with joy.
:eek::eek::eek: i dont know. James Cameron is very iffy. If he does it'll be a popcorn spectacle, which is kinda cool, but the story will suffer because of it.

Ridley Scott would be better. But i'd be worried that he'd chuck in some kind of anti-war message like he has been doing for the past 5 or so years with all his films (except Matchstick Men, which was great).

If Spielberg does it, then it would truly be awesome. I mean WotW had a shit script but the direction was awesome. He is the best possible choice for the Halo movie, as he's the best director of this generation. Easily.
I just wanna see MC f*ck up some aliens

If they get that right, then it's worth my money