Halo PC anyone?


Sep 8, 2003
Reaction score
Halo is one game I will never buy....Not after what microsoft did to PC gamers. To put it into perspective, what microsoft did would be like them buying valve right now, delaying Half-life 2 another year to put it exclusively on the XBOX, then wait another 2 years or so to bring it back to PC.
Halo is developed by Bungie, don't short change them because you hate Microsoft.
True, but microsoft makes the bulk of the money from the sales
Indeed it was. Once upon a time I was working on GameSpy's Battleground: Halo website with the rest of the staff. It was perhaps my most anticpated game of all time, unfortunately that all went to hell when they decided to cave in to Microsoft's money offers.

It was looking to be such an amazing game, in every aspect. I really was a shame to see things go that way, some of the concepts and ideas they had for multiplayer were simply brilliant, that obviously was all thrown out of the window when they started re-developing for the XBox console.

It was simply the biggest waste of developer talent I have ever seen, period.
today halo is outdated. it might have looked good on the xbox and the outer spaces still do look nice. but the rooms inside of buildings already look old and box-like. anyway..who want's to play a game with a few different vehicles, when there are better games with many vehicles and better mp modes?
I'll be buying it. never played Halo...me WANT!
Yeah i like the story, ive never playe the xbox version and im looking forward to the PC release... atleast something good happends on the 30th...
Yeah, it looks a bit dated... but the gamplay is STILL amazing and the story is one of the best ever in a FPS shooter. It was one of the few games to come out in the past 5 years that I felt like I HAD to finish just to see what would come next. I will be getting it for PC as well because I got to play the MP with 16 people at a LAN party once. And even with the tiny-4-way-split-screen it was still fun as hell. The stages aren't all fancy, they are just FUN and well designed, and I can't wait to play it online. If you liked HL 1 (which I assume if you're reading this then you did) then you owe it to yourself to get the game. There is a reason that Halo is still one of the main reasons to get a XBOX.

Just my opinion.:)