Halo players with details maxed, help pls


Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
If you have the settings turned on for "Decals" in the video options can someone please give me the command line for it in the .cgf file? And also if you have "Hardware" enabled for your sound options or "EAX" what the command is for that aswell?

Or just copy/paste your entire cfg's here so we can se who gets better performance.

Originally posted by G·Man
If you have the settings turned on for "Decals" in the video options can someone please give me the command line for it in the .cgf file? And also if you have "Hardware" enabled for your sound options or "EAX" what the command is for that aswell?

Or just copy/paste your entire cfg's here so we can se who gets better performance.


if i knew where the "cfg's" were i'd show you, also there is a -timedemo switch you can add to the exe to do a benchmarking mode to compare with people.
If you did the express install, the cfg file should be in the program files/microsoft game/halo/ folder, a text file simply named "config". Look for your graphics/sound card in the list's and see what commands are below it, or available to use.
