Halo Series graphics


Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Halo = Bump mapped to shit
Halo 2 = Normal mapped to shit
Halo 3 = Displacement mapped to shit?
What do you guys think? Lookign at the technology curve and the possible capabilities of the Xenon, looks feasible. I just wish they didn't have to rely solely on these techniques to make it look so good.
We need a Halo forum.

Right now.

It's a bloody epidemic! :| And Halo 2 isn't even out yet...
I think the grapich are shit and your enemies look like pichacu and the other pokemons
Yes, I think people would appreciate a Halo 2 forum..

Anyhow, would you rather not have these effects in? The xbox graphics are limited, you know.

Halo 3 will be out for Xbox 2, so that'll probably look alot better.

Besides, most PC games are bumpmapped and normalmapped "to shit", Doom 3, Riddick, the upcoming Unreal 3 etc. I think it adds realism, and it's not that overused in Halo 2, just enough for the style it conveys, it's futuristic, slightly animelike.
Unreal 3 looks amazing, but the doom3 and riddick thing are so plastic
Halo 2 forum would be good, it's not that i even like Halo, I'm just pointing out something i noticed
I'll agree - the normal mapping and offset bump mapping in Unreal 3 is excellently implemented, epic real managed to get over the limitations of the next gen technology and make photo realsitic graphics.

Doom 3 and Riddick look rather fake and CGish, TBH - both engines have the limitation to look "plasticy".Halo 2 suffers from the same fate.

Valve's source engine also boasts all of this, however I've not seen geometry in their next-gen games so far that rocks my socks. Sure their engine is capable - but they have used it very slightly or where it's hardly noticeable.

And yes....we need a Halo 2 forum!!! :D :D
i hate it that ppl say photo realistic gfx all the time.
gfx are nowhere close to being photo realistic.
i want to setup a forum alike this [halo2.net ?] but there is the problem of registering a domain [no credit card] and then getting a vb license, or just going with free ipb. but then of course it needs to be skinned .. all i can do is .. make a awesome site : /
Bio said:
Unreal 3 looks amazing, but the doom3 and riddick thing are so plastic

They are suposed to look like that, its called style. No matter if u like it or not just look around you and stop having hatred for doom3 graphics. Its ****ing frustrating.
Meh all I've heard about Halo 2 is 'OMG duel wielding' I say bah I kicked 3 other guys butts in a torney with one weapon and i've never even played Halo except the PC version.
Minerel said:
Well they certain have some crappy style.

Meh it's ID John Carmack should get a bigger lolipop to suck on if he thinks D3 impresses people.
If a Halo/Halo 2 board ever appears here than can those pimping it please go there and stay there.

This is supposed to be a Half-Life 2 site :)

And I think the reason that you can't point to random J polygon is HL2 and say "look at teh omg normal mapping!" is that it has been well done.
You shouldn't be looking at a shiny brick wall and saying how realistic or how pretty it is.

Subtle use of these technologies I say - for when a player goes "oh nice specular map....mmm" (Gibs about now) it's obviously overdone and you are drawing attention away from the game to the shiny thing.

The idea I thought is to represent the game world with greater accuracy.
All the shiny demos and "wow we have overkill dynamic lighting" just don't cut it for me. :)
If you want to do a fansite for halo, do it on a free forum system VBB is not - let me clearify this - not better than some of the open source solutions (simplemachines.org).

Anyway, what was the topic? *yawn*
hmmm... everyone seemed to just use my topic as a springboard to rally for a Halo 2 forum, definitely not my intention at all