Halo2 2004 E3 trailer

Iirc theres already a thread about this. I haven't been arsed to download this trailer yet, is halo 2 something to look forward too?
They've been talking about more media. So this multiplayer stuff may not be the end of it. I'd like to see some for Singleplayer. They've been dishing out Multiplayer crap for a while now(articles, Screenshots, the new videos). Not that it's not great, it's absolutely fantastic. Halo's Multiplayer was stunningly fun. But still, I want more insight into the game itself.
owww..... that tikled me, seriously. hehehe. hl2 bye bye halo2 all the way :D
HL2 looks amazingly real, but Halo 2 looks like it'll satisfy me more. It's like a Final fantasy, with guns and aliens.
I have to agree with GhostValkyrie here, Halo 2 will kik everyone's ass, maybe HL2 can match it. IMO at least.
looks better every time i see new footage
NOVEMBER! what a bummer
hl2 will keep me plenty busy though im sure :p
holy crap!!! i wasn't too pumped about halo 2 until now. i'm gonna have to start playin xbox again!

imo hl2 is going to be better, but we'll have to wait and see.
halo2: if it has Co-op akin to Halo1 then I doubt even HL2 could top it in the fun factor.
(I get to play it with my bro in law, awesome game buddy)
Mr. Redundant said:
halo2: if it has Co-op akin to Halo1 then I doubt even HL2 could top it in the fun factor.
(I get to play it with my bro in law, awesome game buddy)


how dare u!! :upstare:
I'm actually more excited for Halo 2 to tell you the truth. The scale of the game is just incredible. HL2 will undoubtedly be completely awesome, but it just seems like the scale is so much smaller than Halo 2. The feeling of "you are in the middle of an enormous, planet-wide conflict," is what gets me so psyched about Halo 2.
wtf, its got some extra snazzy features , sure there impressive for a while, but as for a whole game it seems HL2 is in a league of its own. I mean the facial animation in Halo 2 isnt great, the multiplayer does look fun, but HL2 is a much more powerful game in design and execution, that and it comes out in November, so i dont know how you can compare it 'owning' when it comes out like 4 months later.

it made me smile, but meh.
Dr. Freeman said:

how dare u!! :upstare:

dont get me wrong bro, HL2 is going to be amazing, and the mods is what will make it win in the end.

but there is NOTHING like sitting next to my bro and going through a game of co-op Halo... I mean I have finished that game like 100000 times.. its THE only reason I own an xbox.. I hate everything else on Xbox (it sucks if it werent for the promise of Halo2)

and even though we have finished the game on legendary so many damn times, its the joy of kicking ass and covering each other that makes the game for me.. it just doesnt get old.
bring on Halo 2.

and another thing, see he doesnt have a PC, and although I own two PC.s, being able to drive over to his house (or mine) and only have to take a controller instead of a PC is a heck of a lot more convenient
clarky003 said:
wtf, its got some extra snazzy features , sure there impressive for a while, but as for a whole game it seems HL2 is in a league of its own. I mean the facial animation in Halo 2 isnt great, the multiplayer does look fun, but HL2 is a much more powerful game in design and execution, that and it comes out in November, so i dont know how you can compare it 'owning' when it comes out like 4 months later.

it made me smile, but meh.

we are talking about fun factor. Yes its exactly what u said, its basiclly Halo with more weapons and extra features. The first game was ****ing amazing so i can't see why thats a bad thing? The new features are only small but will make the game feel totally different play different, but at the same time still be the same. In my opinion its going to be one fo the best sequals ever made from the looks of it.

Hl2 will be alright and pritty good, but halo2 will just own it for fun factor.
My God, I cannot believe I am hearing this...

Excuse me while I whip myself and purify the sin which I have just read!

You should all be ashamed!!! :hmph:
Terry pratchett makes fun books to read,, but even though there more fun, it still doesnt mean it owns over something epic, like tolkiens lord of the rings. Besides it looks the kind of fun factor that will last a few weeks, and then your just back to playing HL2 :p.

dont get me wrong though I loved Halo, and Halo 2 does look fun,, but no way will it own. even if it is more simplistic fun. thats just one factor, and that doesnt make total ownage ,its like saying Xbox owns over PC, Rofl. :rolleyes:
I dont know about you lot, but I have enough cash to get em both... so I dont really have to be picky.

Halo2 will own when my bro is down here so we can co-op.
Halflife2 will OWN SP, MP, and whatever else is released for it.. its got the longevity factor going for it... we should still be playing HL2/HL2 based games 5 years from now... how many Halo engine games do we play?

thats the problem, Halo2 will be stunted by whats in the box.. its for consoles.
HL2 will continue to grow and grow.

Im just saying that I was never looking forward to Halo2 really... until I saw that demonstration (the mp one I linked to)
and I cant wait to get my mits on it so that I can bust it out with my bro.
I am more excited to get Halo 2 actually. Games I have played the most:

1. Halo (Xbox)
2. HL & HL-based mods
3. Warcraft 3

I would say I have played Halo much more than I have played HL or any HL-based mod...and I think that's saying a lot. The fact that the multiplayer has kept me entertained for this long when I only like around 3 maps...the fact that I never play King of the Hill, Oddball, or Race, the fact that I'm kinda picky when it comes to what Halo has to offer MP-wise...I'm impressed that I've played it that much (as you said Mr. Redundant...Halo only has what's in the box to offer...and in my case that beat out a good game and an entire mod community - which happens to be the biggest around). I'd say I use about 15% of the possible combinations for MP in Halo because I have grown accustomed to playing it a certain way...and that way is just a blast for me.

Halo 2 offers more maps (hopefully even more I'll like this time around - it's shaping up to be that way)...more guns (needler is useful now), better graphics, more vehicles (destructable at that), interesting in-game additions like dual wielding, melee combos, vehicle hijacking, playing as an elite, and interactive environments are just the new things we saw from a short E3 presentation...and it's only getting better.

I actually hope that HL2 and the mod community will be able to rope me in for a longer period of time than Halo has or Halo 2 will...because you can never have too many awesome games to play.

EDIT: During the course of this post, a glass fell onto my keyboard from a shelf (I have no idea how) and smashed my big enter key in...so now I have to use the numpad enter key until I get a new keyboard :(
i got this the day it was open to public, its pretty cool and the game looks more mature than its predecessor.
I have to agree about Halo 2 'owning'

While the HL2 single player game is sure to be amazing, it's the engine and mods that are the exciting part - it's all about Source. With Halo 2 you get a whole lot straight out of the box, excellent single player/co-op game and amazing multiplayer :) (the LAN parties/co-op are gonna be amazing \o/ )

I think HL2 will offer a more immersive and engaging experience - but after a month or so you'll have moved on to the next mod etc (of course the engine should rock and will last ages - but we're just comparing game for game). Halo 2 is gonna give years worth of enoyment all on its own :)
I'll definately get Halo 2 on the Xbox. That'll be way better then any port to PC
I certainly think this trailer makes the game look interesting. I wasn't really paying any attention to Halo2 but now I might consider getting it, there are still plenty more games that I am looking forward to more than this. IMO Halo wasn't that good for me, the first few levels were fun, especially the outdoor areas(favourite level was probably either silent cartographer or the snowy outdoor one) after that the levels just got boring and IMO the other aliens you get to fight in the game were poor in comparison to the Covenant aliens. The levels in particular were what got me though, the first few levels were designed brilliantly, the later levels especially "The Library" were boring, it was almost as if the level designers had created one room and then cut an pasted that room to make up the entire level. The rooms or areas seemed identical,with little or no variation.

I will say that the multiplayer was good. Overall I thought the game was overrated especially the singleplayer, with many sites giving the game 10/10, I would have given it 8 - 8.5. By the sounds of it, the Halo2 multiplayer is going to be just as good as in the last game. I'm mainly hoping for a more varied singleplayer experience and no more of those crappy aliens( I don't want to mention the name 'cos it might be seen as a spoiler). I would much rather fight covenant troops, whilst being backed up by human troops etc.
I don't know about everyone else, but Half-Life 2 certainly has more appeal for me. Halo 2 certainly looks like a damn good game, and has made me consider getting an Xbox for it. But I'm here because I don't think Half-Life 2 is going to merely be a step ahead for gaming, as Halo 2 looks to be, but instead is going to blow the doors off of the genre. And I don't think anyone can argue with that after seeing the E3 footage.
That said I'm actually more excited looking at Halo 2's single player. What footage we've seen of it looks to be absolutely stunning in both gameplay and plot, with none of the failings of the original.
P.S. -Its been rumored that Blood Gulch will be making a return...RedvsBlue in high detail anyone?