Halo2 : sell it to me


Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score

Right i've played halo on my bro's X Box and thought it was a cool game, not a great fan of shooters on consoles but halo does a great job.

As i dont own an xbox im not that bothered about halo 2 and get pissed off when halo 2 gets more votes that HL2 soooo.... i want a halo 2 fan boy to shamelessly 'sell me' the game.

I don't know much about the halo storyline so any details will be greatly apreciated.

(i might just have to ramraid my bro's house to play halo2 :))
I don't think anyone will have to sell it to you. Just find a friend who owns it and do some four player multi. That should just about do it.
You wanna know why it's getting so much votes..it's not the co-op nor the multiplayer or single player..it's pure hype. Think about it. This game is only 2 years after Halo 1 while HL2 is 6 years after HL1. People know alot more about Halo 2 than HL2. I think Halo 2 will be a great game..but HL2 will destroy it because it's more advanced (as in better physics, AI, graphics and other stuff). The truth is that Halo 2 has a much larger fan base than HL2.
What rubbish - Halo is popular because it's a good game. If it wasn't it wouldn't get any votes - simple.

HL2 may well 'destroy' H2, but untill we've played both games there's no way of knowing.
dream431ca said:
You wanna know why it's getting so much votes..it's not the co-op nor the multiplayer or single player..it's pure hype. Think about it. This game is only 2 years after Halo 1 while HL2 is 6 years after HL1. People know alot more about Halo 2 than HL2. I think Halo 2 will be a great game..but HL2 will destroy it because it's more advanced (as in better physics, AI, graphics and other stuff). The truth is that Halo 2 has a much larger fan base than HL2.
A lot more is known about HL2's single player than there is about Halo 2's.
Halo 1 didn't impress me much. Linear campaign, extremely repetitive level design, and cool vehicles. That's about it, oh and the combat kinda pissed me off too, got boring too fast. If it was released multi-platform (like for X-BOX, PS2, and PC) I don't think people would care so much. For awhile it was the only good exclusive on X-BOX ... now it's not an exclusive.
borrowed halo from a friend for pc not too long ago just to get me in the mood for halo2. Got bored of it pretty quick.
It's got a great back story, the AI should be phenomenal, the weapons are balanced and satisfying, high production values, and the Master Chief is an awesome character.

Plus, you can see your feet!
You can wield *2* weapons at a time !!!!1111one111!!!
!!!!!!!!!! TWO !!!!!!!!

^ Typical explination by Halo fan on why Halo 2 is cool ^
hl2 is teh awesome cuz of teh cool ai and physics man lolbbq!111z0r

^ typical explanation by Half Life 2 fan on why Half Life 2 is cool ^

generalsing is fun ...
Neo_Kuja said:
You can wield *2* weapons at a time !!!!1111one111!!!
!!!!!!!!!! TWO !!!!!!!!

^ Typical explination by Halo fan on why Halo 2 is cool ^

^ Typical explanation of someone who hasn't done his Halo 2 research.

Now we have a trigger for each weapon, and can chose to fire each seperately, or both together. You can also wield weapons of different type. Now think of the implications that will have on gameplay - this is no gimmick, but a totally new feature that has never been seen in a game before.

In all previous titles that allow 'duel wielding' both weapons have been fired at the same time, controlled by the same button/trigger. So basically, you get a higher rate of fire, and double the ammo - but in terms of gameplay it isn't two guns, just aesthetically.

Halo 2 is the first game to really have duel weapons :)

The difference is massive - anyone who can't see this needs a slap ;)
I'd buy it soley for the music and voice acting. Most excellent.
Warbie said:
^ Typical explanation of someone who hasn't done his Halo 2 research.

Now we have a trigger for each weapon, and can chose to fire each seperately, or both together. You can also wield weapons of different type. Now think of the implications that will have on gameplay - this is no gimmick, but a totally new feature that has never been seen in a game before.

In all previous titles that allow 'duel wielding' both weapons have been fired at the same time, controlled by the same button/trigger. So basically, you get a higher rate of fire, and double the ammo - but in terms of gameplay it isn't two guns, just aesthetically.

Halo 2 is the first game to really have duel weapons :)

The difference is massive - anyone who can't see this needs a slap ;)

sorry dude, but its a gimmick. GoldenEye and Perfect Dark both have dual wielding, but only 1 trigger (good ole' Z Button). It really doesnt add that much on top of what GE and PD have already done, except giving you the option to fire one gun instead of two.

Oh my god, i just....uggh...i just can't believe you see it as a massive difference.

Anyway, Buy Halo 2 for the multiplayer. If you don't want to get Xbox Live, then use Xbox Connect, its free. And the single-player will also be very solid
Sparta said:
sorry dude, but its a gimmick. GoldenEye and Perfect Dark both have dual wielding, but only 1 trigger (good ole' Z Button). It really doesnt add that much on top of what GE and PD have already done, except giving you the option to fire one gun instead of two.

Anyway, Buy Halo 2 for the multiplayer. If you don't want to get Xbox Live, then use Xbox Connect, its free. And the single-player will also be very solid

The point is you can duel weapons of different types (Of course it wouldn't make much difference if, like with previous titles, you could only duel the same weapon)

You know I love GE and PD more than any other games (bar Mario 64) and I enjoyed duel wielding. But what Halo 2 is doing is very different.

Having two weapons in previous games is basically the same as getting one new gun (that just happens to fire faster and carry double the ammo - only the model is different ... we see two guns. In terms of gameplay, it's just one)

The difference is still massive.
Warbie said:
The point is you can duel weapons of different types (Of course it wouldn't make much difference if, like with previous titles, you could only duel the same weapon)

You know I love GE and PD more than any other games (bar Mario 64) and I enjoyed duel wielding. But what Halo 2 is doing is very different.

Having two weapons in previous games is basically the same as getting one new gun (that just happens to fire faster and carry double the ammo - only the model is different ... we see two guns. In terms of gameplay it's just one)
But its not different, i remember using a 2 different pistols at once on GoldenEye as well. The only thing thats different that i can see here is that you can fire one, or both of them, whenever you like it
Sparta said:
But its not different, i remember using a 2 different pistols at once on GoldenEye as well. The only thing thats different that i can see here is that you can fire one, or both of them, whenever you like it

Yes - you could do it in Golden Eye, but only by using the cheats. It was a clumsy and hectic experience at best ..... and, more importantly, not designed to be a key component of the game (just a bit of fun)

And yes - now we can choose which weapon to fire, which makes all the difference in the world.
Warbie said:
Yes - you could do it in Golden Eye, but only by using the cheats. It was a clumsy and hectic experience at best ..... and, more importantly, not designed to be a key component of the game (just a bit of fun)

And yes - now we can choose which weapon to fire, which makes all the difference in the world.
Even more so in Halo since certain weapons do better damage to certain things.
Warbie said:
Yes - you could do it in Golden Eye, but only by using the cheats. It was a clumsy and hectic experience at best ..... and, more importantly, not designed to be a key component of the game (just a bit of fun)

And yes - now we can choose which weapon to fire, which makes all the difference in the world.
I seriously doubt it makes nearly as much difference as you say it does. The only way i can think of it making that much of a difference is by using the needler with something else, like the SMG. but it still isn't that much of a difference. You talk about it as if its some kind of revolutionary breakthrough in games, and i just fail to see how
Warbie - The Specalists Mod for HL HAS IT.
You can dual wield all kinds of pistols..fire each one with a diffrent trigger.. Use 1 trigger...
Dual wielding isn't also that hard to add in..all really you have to do is flip the image, and move it on the other side. Techncially that is all your doing. Then adding the weopon to the models... Then adding an extra key...
THATS ALL YOUR DOING. Dont tell me Bunge spent 2 years doing that..

Now Dual Wielding Vs Physics in gameplay hmm.. The ability to minipulate physics, use physics HEAVILY in gameplay, have levels designed around PHYSICS..or dual wielding... id take physics ANY DAY.
Sparta said:
I seriously doubt it makes nearly as much difference as you say it does. The only way i can think of it making that much of a difference is by using the needler with something else, like the SMG. but it still isn't that much of a difference. You talk about it as if its some kind of revolutionary breakthrough in games, and i just fail to see how

Not that revolutionary - but still the first game that allows you to use two weapons (not just a model of two weapons)

I only bothered responding because of the 'ooohh Halo2 has duel weapons so it must be good :/'!!!!!1111 crap I expect to find on PC forums.

You must admit it's going to have an affect on gameplay. Alien pistol in one hand, human in the other - strip shield, headshot, dead :) (just one example)

Little things like this have a massive impact on games. Imagine adding a tiny new gameplay element to CS. Say, leaning - now imagine how different the game would be.

(Would it be leaning like in RTCW (where you can't shoot or be seen - ambush city) or in Far Cry (you can shoot and be seen) or a combination of the both?. Each would have a profound affect on the gameplay. Just as only being able to carry two weapons in Halo does. Or the way the shield works. And soon - 'proper' duel wielding)

(all we need now is the ability to aim each weapon seperately :))
Minerel said:
Warbie - The Specalists Mod for HL HAS IT.
You can dual wield all kinds of pistols..fire each one with a diffrent trigger.. Use 1 trigger...
Dual wielding isn't also that hard to add in..all really you have to do is flip the image, and move it on the other side. Techncially that is all your doing. Then adding the weopon to the models... Then adding an extra key...
THATS ALL YOUR DOING. Dont tell me Bunge spent 2 years doing that..

Now Dual Wielding Vs Physics in gameplay hmm.. The ability to minipulate physics, use physics HEAVILY in gameplay, have levels designed around PHYSICS..or dual wielding... id take physics ANY DAY.

Fair enough - I take it back ....... maybe Halo 2 wasn't the first. But given the (paper, scissors, stone) nature of the weapons in Halo, I still believe it's going to have a bigger impact on gameplay. And not just be limited to pistols.

I don't care how technically difficult it is to do something - as long as the result is good.

As for the rest of your post - what has that got to do with anything?? We're not comparing H2 to HL2 here (you are), or the benefits of duel wielding over physics (as that would be stupid)