Halo3 Beta Acceptance this week


May 27, 2003
Reaction score
Well for those of you who signed up at Halo3.com for the upcoming beta test, you should have received an announcement today saying that this week (supposedly within the next two days), if you are accepted into the beta test you will receive an invite.

I can't wait and hopefully I get in!

The only other ways is the play three hours method that starts on Feb 1st, and then buying Crackdown.

If Crackdown turns out to really impress me and I don't get accepted, then I will probably end up buying it since I more than likely won't have the time to do the three hours playing time with school in the way.

If anybody gets accepted, let us know as long as it's not against NDA (which you will receive if you get accepted). I'm fairly confident though that you will be able to say that you are in the beta since it will show up in your Xbox Presence anyways, and that's also how they are running the Shadowrun beta.

/me crosses fingers
Same. Just read the email.

Even tho im not a real fan. Im very interested in this beta.
Oh man, I've been reading around and people have already started receiving acceptance letters.

Start checking your inbox people!
Yeah, a lot of people have been receiving them already.

I doubt I'll get one sine all the current ways of getting in have not included Australia but apparently you can with the Crackdown thing so I'm going to buy it and return it.. unless it turns out to be awesome.
I got the notification email. I hope I get in :3
Yup got my notification email as well, but no acceptance email yet!
I hope I get in. I doubt I'll be able to get in with the 3 hour method because that sign-up page will get hammered once it comes up on Feb 5th.
Is this for the UK aswell? If so, meh, I can't be arsed now.
Nope, not for the UK. The UK has other methods of getting in the beta I believe.
I hope it's better than Halo 2 (Surly they can't make it any worse?!)
My friend has played it in the great grand sandbox some...He said its fun for what he got to play..
Yea that's what I figured :)

Anybody get in? I think I'm actually going to buy Crackdown since the demo was pretty sweet.
Oh duh.

I read the "great sandbox" as a great sandbox game like a GTA-style game that Crackdown is. Derp.

LOLOLOL Nah I meant Iraq, my bad. He calls it the sandbox so I've just got used to calling it that.