halo3 boxart?

Anyone with a working knowledge of Photoshop could have put that together.
Ehhh...Its possible. I think Bungie would be going for something more flashy than that though.
Craig Mullins concept art for Halo 2.

And its also a very unimpressive shot of Master Chief compared to Halo 1 and 2
Thats fake of course, they usually dont use ingame screens for the box cover :S
SearanoX said:
Not to mention the "3" in the title looks way out of place.

Haha yeah, but its nothing compared to the doom 3 "3" on the box haha :>
I really see stupid people that makes things like this

is just a waste of time
Maybe you didn't notice the "Prototype" sign on the box?? Of course it's a fake.