Hamas Launches Web Site Encouraging Kids to Become 'Martyrs'

I'd say this belongs in Politics...

But my 2cents - That's ****ed up.

Alrighty kiddies! Today we're going to talk about "suicide bombing"... First you strap this vest full of C4 to yourself, then you rig it, and when you get near those nice men with the guns... you push this button here!...Remember, It's for ALLAH!
That seems ****ed up to me too, but when i think about it, if the fatherland was threatened, I'd do the same.
V bad indeed.

I can see this thread turning into yet another Israel vs Palestine vs Common Sense flame fest.
And they call themselves Freedom Fighters...more like just brainwashing innocent people to murder men, women and children.
Extremely ****ed up. I knew Hamas was going to screw around and NOT change into "just a political party".
Why dont they just blow themselves up, instead of encouraging other people's kids?
Although i must say, it is an "israeli source", let me search if there are other non-Israeli sources confirming this before jumping to conclusions :p.
gosh, that is one ugly and horribly coded website, all the gif's makes me think i'm in the early 90's.
gick said:
I can see this thread turning into yet another Israel vs Palestine vs Common Sense flame fest.
"Common sense"? What is... "common sense"?

...and in the Politics Forum?
No, I'm afraid you're lost me...
The site looks like a damned flash game site.
Did you ever play that flash suicide bomber game? I forget what it was called...
el Chi said:
"Common sense"? What is... "common sense"?/

I meant in the sense that whenever this comes up everybody takes sides, whereas (IMO) taking either side shows a lack of humanity and common sense.
Well, i'd say taking sides against Hamas shows humanity. Just like taking sides against the Nazi's shows humanity (note im refering to Hamas, not Palestinians as a whole, just like i am refering to Nazi's and not Germans..).

ps, that suicide bomber flash game was hilarious! Anybody have the URL?
gick said:
el Chi said:
"Common sense"? What is... "common sense"?/

I meant in the sense that whenever this comes up everybody takes sides, whereas (IMO) taking either side shows a lack of humanity and common sense.
No, I knew exactly what you meant :)
Heated debate almost always discards any possibility of objectivity, "debates" go nowhere, turn into outright arguments, then flamefests, then closed threads. No-one comes out better informed or a little more objective; just with views stronger than they ever held before and a slightly lower anger threshold.
...and so the world progresses.
Ome_Vince said:
Well, i'd say taking sides against Hamas shows humanity. Just like taking sides against the Nazi's shows humanity (note im refering to Hamas, not Palestinians as a whole, just like i am refering to Nazi's and not Germans..).

I agree, but I meant people who oppose Hamas, and are very pro-israel.

I'm not taking sides. :p
Ome_Vince said:
note im refering to Hamas, not Palestinians as a whole, just like i am refering to Nazi's and not Germans...
Thank you for that - seriously. Too many people take leave of their senses and bundle whole lots of people into some moronic mess. *Shudders*
Absurd! Its even worse than America's Army! The idea that they are targeting children is entirely base and sickening to me and most of the civilized world I imagine. Abusing and taking advantage of children (which this is tantamount to) is not the greatest way to gain any sort of support or sympathy from the international community.
That could be you, Beerdude. That could be you. *weeps*

But seriously...

Angry Lawyer said:
*Waits for Solaris to "Justify" it*

-Angry Lawyer
I'm not going to justify such actions. But if any children are recurited it will be the fault of Isreal and I will blame them for that childs death.
Or... it'll be the fault of the people who made the website?

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Or... it'll be the fault of the people who made the website?

-Angry Lawyer
What drives them?
Fanatasism which came from anger, which came from bereavement which came from an Isreali bomb no doubt.
Or will it be the fault of the children themselves, and their parents?

Who is responsible when a boy kills a man who had killed his father?
Solaris said:
What drives them?
Fanatasism which came from anger, which came from bereavement which came from an Isreali bomb no doubt.

Are you serious? We're back to the who bombed who thing.
Fanatasism comes from Frustration, this frustration can be caused by many things including BRAINWASHING or INDOCTRINATION....
Hamas is responsible for this, not Israel...

In your logic we should blame England and France for Germanies Nazism?
Maybe partially as they both raped Germany and opened the door, but Germany was responsible for its own actions. They elected Hitler and they followed him..
As is Hamas responsible for this...
If you propogate hate, you're the only one to blame. Solaris, your comment isn't too dissimilar to "Yeah, my parents abused me when I was young. So I distusted people, and it wasn't MY fault that my knife-stabs killed all those people, but it was my parents"

It's down to the individual to stop hatred from spiralling out of control. You might not believe in Jesus, but "Turn the other cheek" certainly applies.

-Angry Lawyer
yeah, that one is so funny.
"Ill strap a bomb on a child and send him to blow up innocent Israeli civilians and it will be Israel's fault the kid died"..
I really laughed at that. I really did. Aloud too, and I'm supposed to be quite. :p
What is the distinction between patriotic pride and self-sacrifice to fanaticism and brainwashing?
The difference is:

Patriotic pride:
"We are the best"

Self-Sacrifice fanaticism:
"All you little kiddies should strap bombs on your waste and blow up infidels"

Both moronic but Self-Sacrifice fanaticism is a "little" more dangerous....
Solaris said:
What drives them?
Fanatasism which came from anger, which came from bereavement which came from an Isreali bomb no doubt.

...which came from anger, which came from bereavement which came from a "palestinian" bomb no doubt. They aren't targetting the Israeli government or the Israeli military, they are targetting the Israeli people...hopping on school buses to blow up school buses packed with children just coming back from their holidays, blowing up men, women and children shopping for ingrediants for their tea for when their kids come home from school, shopping for a birthday present for their best friends birthday, blowing up old people who are sick of hearing on the news about all the violence, blowing up Muslims, Jews, Christians, Atheists, Diests...the list goes on.

The majority of the Palestinian people want to live in peace in their own little corner of the world not wanting anything to do with murderers and terrorists.
Razor said:
The majority of the Palestinian people want to live in peace in their own little corner of the world not wanting anything to do with murderers and terrorists.

true, although sadly Terrorists have a way of bringing their war onto the population so they eventually do start to care. Its a terrorists tactic to gain support, because they know the represailles will inflict harm on the population :(

Hence i can never and will never sympathize with terrorists..
Ome_Vince said:
The difference is:

Patriotic pride:
"We are the best"

Self-Sacrifice fanaticism:
"All you little kiddies should strap bombs on your waste and blow up infidels"

Both moronic but Self-Sacrifice fanaticism is a "little" more dangerous....


I'm a moron. :(
well depends :p Nothing wrong with being a Patriot (i am too :p), i should have changed that into "rediculous patriotic pride" sorry.
Kind of like the difference between being proud of your nation and wanting the best for it = good, while feeling superior and the rest of the world inferior and dumb = moronic imo.
:E I know what you mean but, I'm kinda like the "Our Products are TEH BEST! WE (although not superior as a species) ARE TEH BEST! LETS INVADE JAPAN! FULL AUTO NATIONALISM! + Invade us and you'll see me first, occupy us and you'll see me jumping into you with gasoline and C4" patriotism type. :p