Hammer Alternative?


Jul 23, 2005
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Hey guys,

Does any1 know if there is a hammer alternative? like there are loads of different programs for bittorrent.
are you kidding me?...I meant a visual one.

Also how would it be possible in notepad? What language would you use?
Notepad is the editor of the gods.

But seriously, there's no other alternative, and there's no need for one. Hammer is designed with noobies in mind, how simple do you want it to get?
How about one that works in reverse?

You know, instead of "carving" rooms etc out of solid space, you "build" walls into open space. Kinda like most CAD apps.
bliink said:
How about one that works in reverse?

You know, instead of "carving" rooms etc out of solid space, you "build" walls into open space. Kinda like most CAD apps.

Wait...carving = UT, build = HL.... I fail to see how things are reversed!!!

The female mind is obviously superior.
Pesmerga said:
Wait...carving = UT, build = HL.... I fail to see how things are reversed!!!

The female mind is obviously superior.

You build boxes that need hollowing, yes?

EDIT: AWW HELL TO THIS ANYWAY!! I'm spatially challenged when it comes to using apps like that.. I can never get things to work... blech.
i dont want hammer simpler, ik am more than happy with it, but, it does not work very well.
I don't use the hollow tool.... :|

Obviously I'm not catching on to your ploy... Either way, a CAD proggy would be a bad way to judge the map before you compile it. Isn't that what the 2D view plane is for anyways?

Edit - And what about Hammer doesn't 'work very well'. It's an awesome editor.

bliink said:
EDIT: AWW HELL TO THIS ANYWAY!! I'm spatially challenged when it comes to using apps like that.. I can never get things to work... blech.
:( it's not your fault, it's obviously the way your parents raised you. They absonded your Hammer as a child and now you're feeling the harsh backlash.
LOL. when i said hammer didnt work very well i meant the compiler is rubbish.

are there any other compilers?if so pls can u give me a link
...the compiler is great o_O

There are a few other batch compilers for advanced users...can't really name a link off the top of my head.
how can a compiler be "rubbish"? You should see the maps people make. They look like Official maps and they are graphically superb, and they use the same compiler thats in the SDK. :S
bliink said:
You build boxes that need hollowing, yes?

EDIT: AWW HELL TO THIS ANYWAY!! I'm spatially challenged when it comes to using apps like that.. I can never get things to work... blech.
In hammer most people build each wall seperately. It's UT that subtracts stuff from space, and it's 100x easier and faster.

Hammer really is the in the shitpile of editors. I wish GTKRadiant could be updated to work for HL2 somehow. Although I hear the latest GTKRadiant is lame compared to earlier ones.

Random annoying thing in hammer: copy&pasting a brush pastes it to the middle of your views, instead of just offsetting it a bit from the brush you copied. Is there a way to fix this?

Lets list more random annoying things about Hammer!!!11
StardogChampion said:
Random annoying thing in hammer: copy&pasting a brush pastes it to the middle of your views, instead of just offsetting it a bit from the brush you copied. Is there a way to fix this?

Paste Special...

And for the compile tools: Batch Compiler
I see no difference between Radiant and Hammer.
I used to use Radiant for RtCW mapping, and it feels the same as Hammer, the only difference is how you make stuff, and how you fly around in your map.
I did download one of the newer versions a while back, and I felt lost because everything about it was catered to building Doom3 maps.
And you can get it to work with HL2 but it take a bit of work. I think its recomended that you use 1.2 if you do.
StardogChampion said:
Yeah, but that involves extra clicks plus OK'ing a pop-up window.

SHIFT + Left Click on the stuff you want to copy, drag elsewhere.
I know this is very tedious but what can I say...