hammer dont work


Mar 29, 2005
Reaction score
i was editing earlier today. no problems. later on though i guess i downloaded an update (for css and the new de_nuke map). during and after that update hammer will not work anymore. fatal error something about steamappid 211. now im reinstalling source sdk but im pretty sure that wont work. the thing that pisses me off though is that i dont even edit for css and i still cant use hammer. it also said source sdk and source ded server were updating a little bit when this was all happening. anyone else getting this problem?
nope...didnt work.

Fatal Error

Extra App ID set to 211, but no SteamAppId.

I finally have time to edit and now hammer wont work.
same here if you ignore the error and click on hammer in the back round its asks you to set up the texture location. its the update...damnit steam.
apparently it is easily fixed by going to the textures tab in the options dialog box and setting up the textures....oh thats right....THERE IS NO TEXTURES TAB!!!!!
something like this?

*kicks computer*
*computer hits floor and explodes*
much better...
*to self: cept my foot hurts now... oh well*
Glad to see it's not just me...

I was working a few hours ago, then I went to dinner--now I can't do anything.

Guess we just wait and see?
>_< everyone has the error.. i been told that steam team.. are atually having problem's fixing it as well! grrz.... and that it might take some time to fix.. I dont see how it could be that hard since it was just done in the last update.. :/ so cant be that many file's to go threw tbh.. Ahh well! i wanna map! SO FIX IT FAST STEAM OR ILL CRY N TELL MY MOMMY OF ALL THE MEAN THINGS U DO! (Nibble's on some cookie's n milk)!
Seriously...am I gonna have to type this every post?

The beta version works. Type '-beta sdk' in the target box of your Steam shortcut and BINGO! Hammer will work.
whats the difference between the beta version and the one weve been working with? i dont wanna end up completely messing up my map.
ok i updated to the beta sdk and now i get a fatal error every time i try to load a map, something about an editor texture not loading. plus i get the missing .dll warning on opening hammer

so BINGO! hammer is now, for the first time since i loaded it, not working

edit: yes it is now, but only because i clicked on the .exe in the folder rather than via sdk launcher