Hammer gone nutty. Refuses to update compiled maps


Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
This is the second time Hammer has done this, even on two different machines. It seems like it has a limited number of compilings, then it decides that what ever I changed wasn't important and only displays in the game last time. It still, however, likes to take forever to compile, like it's trying to trick me.

For instance, I was tweaking my lighting on my map, and the light was on one side of the map. I compiled it, it looked sucky, I move the light right in the middle, and it still had the same angle as before.

Anyone else have/had this problem?
Check your map for errors....This has happened to me before as well...

Click on map>check for problems

More than likely there is a problem that is causing the map to not be compiled and the error is hiding somewhere in the logs...

This should tell you if there is a problem that's preventing the map from being compiled properly.
What the **** is Hammer doing? I've only got 2 pieces of glass, but it thinks I have four. So I delete the extra two (which don't exist/are invisible), only to have them reappear next time I click on the problem that still appears! Stupid thing! Die! ...err at least be deleted! Something like that.

Anyone else have stupid glass?
this happends to me all the time, each time there is a error in the map, it refuses to Update till you remove the error. Man, i had to make Undo like 50 times to find the error.
Maybe the new update to the SDK will help you. Beware: This update takes forever to download.
Yeah its been on 37 seconds left for about 5 mins now lol