Hammerfight on Steam (Competition) + HL2.net Facebook

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
The indie title Hammerfight is now available on Steam. This fun little game by developers Konstantin Koshutin is based around using physics to smash your way through the game.
A unique combat system is based on realistic physics simulation, and it ties the movements of the rider to the movements of your mouse. As you wave the mouse, your rider swings his warhammer, smashing the foe into the wall!
We also have 5 free copies of this game to give away! Bluewolf72 will be doing this competition through our Halflife2.net Facebook group, so go join us and check it out!
Oh holy shit, I remember following this game in its very early days. (Hammerfall)

I'm so glad they finished it up.

Though 10 is a little steep for me. I'd pay 5.
Never heard of it, but now I'm installing. Free does something to a man.
If you don't get this then you support Satan.

thanks to the hot words contest is over facebook is fun way to chat with man whores!
I was first to respond with a love response to "m" as asked and yet everyone else gets the prize?

How was I supposed to know it was supposed to be "me"?

I call shenanigans. (But really, this is kinda lame though, how is someone supposed to know it was a typo and not a call for creativity?)
lol i was in a rush... my bad

the cool thing is i get keys to steam games all the time so expect more love
Well... I can't even beat the demo so I don't think I'll be participating. I don't really like how it plays... I bought a razer mouse and jacked up the sensitivity for quick reaction. This game forces sluggish cursor speed and it frustrates me.