Hand 2 Hand Opens


Sep 4, 2004
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H2H modDB.com Profile

H2H Future site

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The Hand2Hand mod is as it states a Hand 2 Hand combat mod. We will have up 24 player models and up to 24 maps. The first release may not have it all and a more detail description will come very soon.

Player Ideas:

Street Fighters
Martial Arts

You will pick the fighter you want to be and attempt to win. You will have custom punches and kicks for each fighter. The main goal is for each fighter to have a grab and combo move.

Map Ideas:

Parking Lot
Drained Swimming Pool

Things we are planning:

*Third Person
*Expanding to become something truly unique/amazing/cool.
*weapons, gore, etc, large environments where you can move
around in. Being able to pick up barrels
*Animation "gettig kicked through windows into
the next room or maybe peeling flesh, clothes that get
ripped/fall off"
*Customisble characters
*More Ideas Soon
I think you should let players customize their move list rather than have characters which can only do certain moves..
just an idea I thought I would throw out there..

with this idea, you could just make updates which add new moves..
ya we are cosidering that but well see how the sdk allows that
There's a reason why fighting games don't make it to the PC...

24 maps is too many kthxbye :)
Considering the mod's theme, 24 maps is probably not too much, due to the fact the maps will be centred about one small arena.
Interesting concept, none-the-less. A customisable movelist is definately doable - all you need to do is copy the code that references the keyboard config (to be able to load external .cfgs) and make it so it reads in a list of moves. Customizability of players is definately something that will keep players coming back. Everyone likes to put their own personality in what they're doing.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Considering the mod's theme, 24 maps is probably not too much, due to the fact the maps will be centred about one small arena.
Interesting concept, none-the-less. A customisable movelist is definately doable - all you need to do is copy the code that references the keyboard config (to be able to load external .cfgs) and make it so it reads in a list of moves. Customizability of players is definately something that will keep players coming back. Everyone likes to put their own personality in what they're doing.

-Angry Lawyer

Noted ^

The maps wont be that small. My vision is not to just have you kicking and slapping. I would like to see combos. Grabbing.

Site is underway.

I just need concept artist and a lead coder since the SDK is on its way.