Hand crab... Zombie... Ant Lion....


Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
These are all avatar thingys. What is the highest one. I seem to have an Ant Lion atm. Hmmmm...... they used to have a number of posts thingy on the site but they got rid of it? what are u and wtf are they. Is an Ant Lion even good?
There are a few dozen threads about rank titles, try a search next time.
* Headcrab (Minimum Posts: 0) [edit] [remove]
* Zombie (Minimum Posts: 100) [edit] [remove]
* Ant Lion (Minimum Posts: 200) [edit] [remove]
* Prowler (Minimum Posts: 430) [edit] [remove]
* Hydra (Minimum Posts: 520) [edit] [remove]
* Strider (Minimum Posts: 760) [edit] [remove]
* Combine (Minimum Posts: 880) [edit] [remove]

this has been discussed too many times, but here is the info
Just like the number of times this will continue to be asked. :p
i just came into this thread to laugh at handcrab.... lol
GAH! sheesh...
I just asked the same question awhile back...quit with the one sentance replys and let this DIE PLEASE>
hydra here he he. then i am a strider then combine i think.
Someone had to do it. Now becareful where you point that thing, you could put an eye out or something.
God, Monkey see monkey do, ive seen 3 - 4 of these threads in the past day, or is it the same one :|
i would have thought a strider would be better than a combine
Hand Crab... oh my god

I reaaally hope for your comfort you don't have crabs
ye I was bored at skool and tbh searching the forums before hand is just so boring. I would rather just get a quick answer. Thanks :D

Ow I am back home now :D
I think the ranking is kinda silly...Being a Head crab means I take the time to read a thread through before I make a post...I don't just run willy nilly around screaming sept 30th ahhhhhhhhh an posting an reposting the same ole news over an over an ooooover....I mean I've seen comines an Hydras that act like total NOOBS...
nuff said ...
Originally posted by GJaaGular
I think the ranking is kinda silly...Being a Head crab means I take the time to read a thread through before I make a post...I don't just run willy nilly around screaming sept 30th ahhhhhhhhh an posting an reposting the same ole news over an over an ooooover....I mean I've seen comines an Hydras that act like total NOOBS...
nuff said ...

Im lost, are you talking about the game or the forums :p
Head Crab`s PVV|\|$ :dork:

Off-topic, but burnout we got almost 100% same pc.... i got IDE harddrive tough... did u buy from Dell?
it goes.


i think the combine is before strider.