Handcuffed Student Tasered

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Jul 7, 2003
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I literally felt sick from watching this video.

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 16 (UPI) -- Videotape has been released showing University of California, Los Angeles, police using a Taser on a student who allegedly refused to leave the campus library.

The video, recorded by a cellular phone, shows Mostafa Tabatabainejad being stunned by police and falling to the ground while crying out in pain, The Los Angeles Times reported Thursday.

Campus police report said community service officers were doing their nightly sweep of the library to ensure that all users after 11 p.m. are students or authorized patrons, the Times said. Tabatabainejad allegedly refused to show identification to an officer and the guard called in campus police. A statement from the UCLA Police Department said Tabatabainejad was asked to leave "multiple times."

"He continued to refuse," the statement said. "As the officers attempted to escort him out, he went limp and continued to refuse to cooperate with officers or leave the building."

However, witnesses have disputed that claim, saying Tabatabainejad has begun walking toward the door when police arrived but was grabbed by an officer.

Tabatabainejad, who was stunned multiple times, was charged with resisting and obstructing a police officer and was released.


In America you have to show ID to campus "police officers" otherwise you get handcuffed and, after you are restrained and on the ground not causing any danger to anyone, shocked over and over, even while other students are yelling at the police to stop and to hand over their badge numbers.
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