Hannibal Lechter


Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Just did this, took me an hour. Now that I look at it objectively, I can see quite a few problems with the proportions of the face and some coloring problems. I could have worked on it a bit more and made it look better, but I think I'm gonna just try something else for now.

Done with pastel on paper. I used a photo for reference-- specifically the movie poster for Hannibal. My digital camera made it a bit too light, so I darkened it in photoshop.

God I love pastels. Hope you like it :)

as said before, I like it :)

(the eye bulges out kinda creepily though :p)
Thanks :) Yeah, the eye is a little weird, and the nose is a little pointy. Oh well :P
Hey the bulgy eye makes it look more creepy! :D

Good work :) I can't use anything other than pencils/ink :(
Nice, but doesn't look evil enough for a guy prepared to eat your brains :P
I love it...Its one of those pictures, where the lighting is so good that if you blur your eyes it almost seems to jump out of the page/screen.
Thanks a lot! :)

Lemme tell you, though, it looks much, much better in person, at a distance. Like most pastel paintings, it always looks better far away because its really hard to get tiny details in.
I know what you mean about details, the thing with me is I'll spend ages with pastels getting details in, then I'll smudge them all away by accident :( :p
wow... just wow; i've never ventured into the art and design forums and i just can't believe the amount of talent out there...

JiMmEh said:
I know what you mean about details, the thing with me is I'll spend ages with pastels getting details in, then I'll smudge them all away by accident :( :p
Yarr, I know what you mean. I did that with one of my pastel paintings, and then I used that spray stuff on it. Wasted like, a billion hours. Or something. :P It's why you have to work REALLY BIG when you use these things. Sucks that art is so expensive :(

Anyways, thanks for all your comments, guys, I really appreciate it! A simple compliment goes a long way. :) Maybe I'll draw a bunch more and post a buncha stuff.
DoctorWeeTodd said:

Someone was bound to say it.
Hehe, figured. Sorry for the mistake, but I beleive the millions of "Hello, Clarice's" that go around every day make up for it. (It's actually "Good evening, Clarice")