Happy 4th all.

Nov 16, 2005
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I took the kids to see the main Fireworks here in VA. It was so cool my 3yr old wanted to go to the bathroom but didn't want miss a single display. He goes "Fvuck it" and started pissing in the pants instead, while he watches the fireworks. I didn't even find out till we came back home and I tried to take his shoes off.
We got rained on, the grass was wet, and the blanket soaked in water and grass residue, but we had a blast.

Happy 4th guys. ... And if you're an English, sorry for the setup .... NOT! :P
Yeah, pretty fun day. I had a monster hangover from last night, though

BTW, is your computer made from fireworks or something? :p
Went on a 30 mile bike ride, but no fireworks here.
why is this is hardware and software?!
Yeah, pretty fun day. I had a monster hangover from last night, though

Nah! I can't have any alcohol anymore as diabetes and high blood pressure lurk their way in; I have to stay fit for the kids' sake. And lately my hangovers became more of HANG ON!. So, I quited. Avery now and then I feel I can use a drink, I have to sing Humbaaaya Hum-Baa to suppress craving. ;)

BTW, is your computer made from fireworks or something? :p

What ya mean?

Went on a 30 mile bike ride, but no fireworks here.

I can use 30mile ride everyday. GJ that's fun too.

why is this is hardware and software?!

Yes it is ... What can we help you with? Or, we can't wish each other happy 4th in the hardware/software?

We been supporting each other for a whole year, at least we can wish each other some happiness once in while, don't you think?
Dont you :angry: face me! YOU MAKE NO SENSE!!! :angry: