Happy Birthday Krynn!


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
Reaction score

Nobody came to my party :(
I thought for sure I was going to get backstabbed. I feel all warm inside.
Holy hell, best TF2 happy birthday comic, EVER.

Krynn, I would have come if you would have invited me :)
I think i'm just too tired, but the images in the first post are pretty horrifying.

Thankfully, the subsequent posts were made of win. I hope that is how everything goes for you Krynn :) (though you've not put your Birthday in your profile, so how can you expect anyone online to notice :P)
Happy birthday Love the Tf2 comic. Link please
Happy Birthday Beautiful Child!

friend til da end-
I would've came if you would have invited me, asshole.

Happy goddamn Birthday.
Did anybody post the PBF image? I would, but I'm not home at the moment, and I'm on a crappy connection.

Happy Birthday Buddy!
Happy birthday, Krynn. For what's left of it, anyway! Bearing in mind it is nearly 7 o'clock. I'll shut up now. *hangs head*
Well, I have class in a few hours which lets out at 9pm, then for the rest of the weekend and monday ill be working on my 3 projects due tuesday so that I dont fail. My parents sent some money though, so ill probably go out somewhere with my friends as a break from work. Nothing crazy though since I need to stay focused.
Holy crap you're 21?! I remember you posted your pic once, I thought you were thirty something D:
I hope you won't be angry, Krynn, but of all the times I've guessed peoples' ages on here only to find out they're younger, you're the only person I've thought was younger and turned out to be an adult.

You could possibly consider that a compliment.
No, im taking that as a insult.


Its probably because I dont get all serious and talk about politics all the time like our resident old-ass (stern :P).

What age did you guys put me at?
Honestly, I don't know what people think of me as an age group. Krynn, I figured you were ~20, but then again, I usually imagine people 16-20 most cases...
Holy shit, 14?

I dont even know what to think about that. I mean... thats a 7 year difference. Do I really act that way?
Honestly, I don't know what people think of me as an age group. Krynn, I figured you were ~20, but then again, I usually imagine people 16-20 most cases...
Twenty or fourty.

Depends whether you're drunk or not.
Im pretty sure pitz is 20 or 21, and willie is like 15 or something.

And you... hmm. 19 or 20 would be my guess for you.