Happy birthday to me, Texter, Derwen_Llewelyn, tvgm2, breadbomb, The Esas, FragBait0


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
and KikiJiki. Whoever the hell those nobodies are. All that matters is me! [/egotrip]

Also, Metallica are playing in Dublin today!
Happy birthday my favourite members! :cheers:
Enjoy you birthday and nothing else matters...
Hmm, I seem to remember Derwen_Llewelyn... or at least the name.

Anyway, happy birthday(s)!
DeusExMachina said:
Todays my birthday too.
That was yesterday, you're living in the past! YOU'RE LIVING IN THE PAST! And timezones don't exist FFS.
Happy Birthday, Firey Rim... of FIRE! :O
ríomhaire said:
That was yesterday, you're living in the past! YOU'RE LIVING IN THE PAST! And timezones don't exist FFS.

You mean...it...isn't June 10th over there D:

In any case, Happy Birthday to you n_n.
it was my friends 18th today, he celebrated by going to a strip club :laugh:
Well, how else would he celebrate it? :p

My birthday is in 18 days... yay me! :D
Bah JNightshade! Mine's in 19 days :(.

Happy birthday Rimmy! What's on the agenda? Getting hammered and waking up in Peru?
DreadLord1337 said:
Um yes.. He posts quite often. In this thread even..
Holy shit! THE DeusExMachina?! You must be joking! He's so dreamy.
dekstar said:
Happy birthday Rimmy! What's on the agenda? Getting hammered and waking up in Peru?
Taking the day off and sitting at my computer :P
But I'm going paintballing on the 24th!
Darksabre said:
My birthday is soon...so soon.
Well don't make a thread, you haven't got enough posts.
/forum bastard

Solaris said:
Well don't make a thread, you haven't got enough posts.
/forum bastard

So... can I?

Only 43 days! :eek:
At what point did we start calling Riomhaire Rimfire?

Happy day of possible birth despite screwups with our calender and a totally screwed up mental perspective of our place in the universe, though!
Jintor said:
At what point did we start calling Riomhaire Rimfire?
When he made the, shall I change my name to rimfire thread.
I christened him Rim-Fire after an ill visit to dictionary.com D:

Happy birthday!
Jintor said:
At what point did we start calling Riomhaire Rimfire?

Happy day of possible birth despite screwups with our calender and a totally screwed up mental perspective of our place in the universe, though!
YES! That's who Derwen was! He was that PHENOMENAL artist in the art section!

Go me! \o/
With all the contrevorsy with girls and the internet, it could happen to any of us.