Happy New Year HL2.net!


Jan 7, 2005
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Being a few hours into the Future, and about to head off to a NYE Party:

Happy New Year!

Hope its been a good one for everyone this year, and hope 2012 will be a great one as well (even if the world is going to end).
Happy New Year, I won't be around so I'll say that now.

Wishing you guys the best.
12 hours 3 minutes to go!

Happy New Year everyone! :D
What Ren said but minus about an hour.

Although, ultimately, the new year is a meaningless number change in essence. Getting all the annual Facebook statuses of "2012 YEAR 4 CHANGE" etc. Lol, kid yourself harder.
Happy new year to all!
R.I.P.2011 :D
I wish you a happy new year! :D
I was going to be working tonight for some extra cash, instead I have the flu and am cold to my bones. Hurray!
Happy new year! Started out 2012 winning some cash at the casino so it's all good so far.
Happy New Year everypeep.... still 9 and some change hours to go here.....
Happy New Year Flu And/Or Cold, everyone! I'll be in my room, coughing, all day.
On a lighter note, I'm going out with some of my honkies tonight and I'm not driving so booze and things.
I'm doing absolutely nothing for this new years. Probably just going to be watching more Community or something with my mum. Or building one of my Frame Arms models.

I celebrated the 25th of December by re-sealing the bath in my house and eating an apple pie the size of my face. It was good.
I slept right through midnight, haha! It's now 8am in the year of our lord 2012 and I'm waiting with baited breath for my jetpack to arrive. They absolutely promised it would come this time.
happy new year 2012,may the mayan god of dead yum-kimil had mercy on your souls
Yay for screwing up the year in date boxes for the next couple of months!
My younger brother is throwing a party and I've been designated the official "party-pooper." I have to stop any drinking and keep things safe. Which is what I would have done anyway.
Also, they are turning the living room into a dance club and... I'm not liking the music.... :(
Happy (early) New Year's. A little over 3 hours to go here. Was invited to a party but my flight just got in a couple of hours ago and I'd kinda rather sit in my apartment and read a book. Fun times....

I do wish I had some bubbly apple juice though, that stuff is good :eek:
New Years; have a happy one.

Christ it has been a while. A damn long while.
It's kind of interesting how this type of year only occurs every 28 years. It's a leap year, starts on a Sunday, and has Friday the 13th happen three times. Isn't that dandy?
Had the tv on and they stopped coverage about 5 minutes into the fireworks. Man, this year sucks already :p.
Sucks that this will be our last year together everybody, what with the world ending and all.
Happy New Year.

I worked up until 15 mins before it. Got home to a house full of drunks... all in all not bad
Happy new year, dotnetters! I surprised my grandparents by turning up unexpectedly on their doorstep in Liverpool! My mum and dad arrived the previous evening and they said I wasn't coming but I had decided to buy a train ticket and go on my own. It certainly did surprise them! We had a fun night so I'm glad I didn't miss out!
Sucks that this will be our last year together everybody, what with the world ending and all.

If the world doesn't end this year as proclaimed, you can be damned sure I'll end all of your worlds.
