Happy Slapper gets slapped!

Too ****ing right. Happy slapping is a disgusting craze, I'm sure if people hit back they'll get the message.

They always cut out when the going gets good though...
They do it to not make their friends look bad ... but it made him look even worse. Did you hear the hit on that? Knick got popped!
absolutely fan-****ing-tastic, that idiot got exactly what he deserved. The foreign guy probably had enough chance to run for it, as captain hoodie was probably floored, and his friends would be too incapacitated by laughter to do anything.

Happy slapping is an unsavoury craze which involves using phones to record minor assualt, to laugh at later. sick wierdos.
Happy Slapping:
Using a camera-phone to film yourself or friends harassing hitting random people. The video is then usually submitted to websites or passed around and gloated about. I think they sometimes try to "out do" each other and there was an incident when some Happy Slappers set a sleeping man on fire and filmed it "for a laugh." :|
haha awesome sound it makes, see how much swing he gets on the arm too. Damn fine slap. 9 outta 10 cos it was a little angled.
I can see from the reaction here that 'Chav Paybacks' would make good videos.

Edit: What I meant was, me + group of disgruntled bodybuilders + Ninjas (Oh yes) go into Chav infested area to kick ass, while I film it, could be a big hit.
Shodan said:
I can see from the reaction here that 'Chav Paybacks' would make good videos.

Oh we have to start a new trend!!!!!

I dont have a phone camera though.. :(

Trust me, i'm gona try make this happen.

On another note, I pray that one of them tries to happy slap me. I'm stressed irritable and I wouldnt really give a fook what I did to em...:hmph:
I dont have a phone camera though..
If they slap you, break the guy's neck (in a matter of speaking :p) , then kick the phone camera guy in the nuts, stamp on his head, take his phone and voila :D
Happy slapping? How about "watch bliink invert someone's head". I'm glad I've never come into contact with a fad as stupid as this.
bliink said:
Happy slapping? How about "watch bliink invert someone's head". I'm glad I've never come into contact with a fad as stupid as this.
What about the Macarena?
cabbs said:
Happy slapping is an unsavoury craze which involves using phones to record minor assualt, to laugh at later. sick wierdos.

You know, if someone slapped me, and I saw the video on the internet, I would save it, then find out the persons name and sue them. Video evidence>them.
uh, ive heard about this on the news, funny thing was that they broadcasted a shit load of the videos.... one of those times you wish you had yakety sax playing.

But yup, happy slapping is sick and that guy got frickin' owned.
DiSTuRbEd said:
You know, if someone slapped me, and I saw the video on the internet, I would save it, then find out the persons name and sue them. Video evidence>them.

But from videos like that you don't really get a clear view of them, hoodies and caps most of the time (pretty much a uniform now) although I'm sure you'd get a better view in person. Still, is it that easy to find out someone's name and sue?
SimonomiS said:
hoodies and caps most of the time (pretty much a uniform now)

Well, if they're in uniform, then they're combatants and noone will complain when you kill them ;) (or detain them in a small cage for a few years)