Happy winter-een-mas

Dasparov, no, because the Xbox is HUGE! :p

Note: This is a insider joke taken from 4chan.org. They like to make satir jokes of the Xbox being ten times larger than earth, and basing on the logo for winter-een-mas... well, you get the picture.
Murray said:
Dasparov, no, because the Xbox is HUGE! :p

Note: This is a insider joke taken from 4chan.org. They like to make satir jokes of the Xbox being ten times larger than earth, and basing on the logo for winter-een-mas... well, you get the picture.

Whilst speaking on such matters, a friend recently telephoned my person to inquire as to what I was gifted the day previous (the day then being Boxing day). I promptly informed him of presents I had recieved of slight monetary value - a crescendo to the eventual unveiling of my primary and most significant of gifts. Upon his asking what else I did plunder on that, the most joyous of days, I did smoothly advised him to take a guess. Several unworthy estimates later, said friend submitted to my nigh impenetrable defenses, and I took this oppotunity to launch my assault. "I'll give you a clue," came my reply, "It's... HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE!" There came no response.

Den i woz li3k -- O, f00k! 1t woz mai udda m8 w/ teh 4ch s@VVy ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ LOLZ
*Direwolf bludgeons people with his Winter-een-mas scepter.
Isn't Wintereenmas from the CTRL-ALT-DEL webcomic?

They are doing a bunch of wintereenmas strips lately. I'm a big fan.
I thought winter-een-mas was from ctrl+alt+del...

[EDIT] nvm it said it was

I remember the older ctrl+alt+del comics and Ethan was more crazy than normal... :|
Man it's too bad he stopped on that "I'm going to make a video game" theme! I wanted more of that, but then suddenly it was never mentioned again!
lol, he had sooo many genres in that game and Lucas spent days on end writing the engine... Oh the old days were golden, aye?

it seems like everyone knows about winter-een-mas :(

Well sucks to you, because i'ver read every single page of the Ctrl-alt-del comic!
Suicide42 said:
Wow, Suicude42, that's very clever of you, to quote the Ctrl-Alt-Del comic. :p
Murray said:
Wow, Suicude42, that's very clever of you, to quote the Ctrl-Alt-Del comic. :p

oh yes, i pride my ability to remember a simple word or phrase for a limited amount of time, then repeat it almost exactly. It is a gift only i posess, but that has been dubbed "quoting".
I'm trying to spread my holiday spirit to my friends and family.
It isn't catching.
Suicide42 said:
oh yes, i pride my ability to remember a simple word or phrase for a limited amount of time, then repeat it almost exactly. It is a gift only i posess, but that has been dubbed "quoting".
Eh? Did I misspell it?
.........*starts clicking fingers, gets in chuck berry voice* "Hes rocks in the treetops all day long, hoppin and a boppin and a singing his song".....

Eg. i havn't read ctrl-alt-del yet