Hard Disk Clicking on BF2


Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Well, I have purchased Battlefield 2, great game.

However, more and more frequently I am experiencing hard drive clicking.
*Click* *spinup/spindown noise* -freeze- *hard disk spinup* then *click click* and *spinning noises* and so on, making the game very unplayable.

At first, it would happen once, then continue with the game, but I decided to download diagnostics tools.

Now its getting out of hand, within 3 seconds of joining a server those noises happen, forcing me to do a cold restart.

I have run MaxPower or PowerMax or whatever its called from Maxtor(Maxtor hard drives of course) and run intensive "Burn In" tests on both my S-ATA drives (hence a RAID 0 setup).
Did an advanced test on one, and it came up with a fault, but it apparently "managed to repair it" But no luck when I tried out BF2 again.
Booted the PowerMax disk again, this time made quite a few passes on the Burn In tests on both drives, none come up with any errors at all.

However, when I try the Installation Test, one drive comes up with this:
Partition Present(or something) : Absent(in yellow) Passed

The Burn-in tests state that if the hard drives pass this tests, they are "Certified" error free.

Something is definetly wrong.
My setup:
Pentium 4 2.8GHz
Asus P4P800E Deluxe (thats the ICH5R RAID controller)
2x 80GB Maxtor S-ATA drives - RAID 0
1x 160GB Maxtor P-ATA

Windows and Page file are on the RAID 0 setup, as well as BF2

I will soon try and isolate the P-ATA drive and see what happens, but just wandering if there are any other things I could try.


PS I've had my fun with the RAID 0 setup, new toy factor is done, so I really dont mind reinstalling back to a non-raid system, but it would be nice to sort this out.
If you have anything to backup, now would be the time (while you still can access it).
I would suspect that one of the harddrives is starting to go bad. Once it gets an fault generally it's down hill from there.

I don't think it's a BF2 thing. Maxtors huh
You reckon its a bad sector that the page file uses? I don't think I have any games that use as much memory as BF2, so could be a coincidence.

Im still worried that the Maxtor Diagnostics arent picking up on these, theres definetly something wrong.

I guess il give it a full 30 pass test overnight or so. On each S-ATA hard disk . . . 60 passes at 30 minutes each . . . . :(

I hope my warranty will still be fine if it does come across anything bad.