Hard drive problems :/


Nov 1, 2004
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I have an IDE harddrive 80gb in my computer right now with XP installed on it and all the crap in it. So i decided to put another hard drive in there so i got a 80Gb SATA hard drive. I mount it, plug it into the motherboard. The BIOS detects it, but XP doesnt. Its not in My Computer. Whats wrong here?

On the BIOS it has a list of detected hard drives:

IDE=80gb Maxtor (my current one)
Sata 0: Primary:
Sata 0: Secondary: 80Gb Maxtor (the new one)
Sata 1: Primary
Sata 1: Secondary
Sata 2: Primary
Sata 2: Secondary

I tried plugging it into both Sata 0: Primary and Secondary, same result from both. Does it matter which one plug it into?

Or is there just something i have to do in XP in order for it to detect it?

EDIT: I figured out that XP only autodetects IDE drives and that you have to set up SATA drives manualy. I followed a guide on how to do it and right now its formating, hope it will work :)

Wish they could have a manual with the actual hard drive so you dont have to guess and ask everywhere on how to make things work.


Fixed it, heres how i did it if anyone else has the same problem:
Yeah if it's a new drive you always have to partition/format it before it shows in My Computer.
Glad ya got it working.
i dont recall sata every having primary and secondary.....i thought it was channels.
i dont recall sata every having primary and secondary.....i thought it was channels.
They don't have Master/Slave. Primary/Secondary might just be how his board labels different ports. idk
I think mine just say SATA1, SATA2, SATA3, SATA4.