Hard Reset (Cyberpunk FPS for the PC)

Oooh! :borg:

Looks like it has potential. I'm going to be keeping an eye on this.
Screenshots make it look too damn saturated.

I think you've been playing too many "brown and gray" games to know what a normal color palette looks like.

Liking the art style, will keep an eye on this one.

Uh huh.
I fail to see your point. That's clearly motion blur caused by some kind of impact in that shot. The blood streaks on the screen makes it even more obvious.

And I fail to see your point. What does motion blur have to do with saturation?

Also, big screenshot (supposedly all in game, using their custom built engine):

Also company's website has some interesting concept art. http://flyingwildhog.com/

Obviously its too early to say anything about it, but damn, Polish developers seem pretty dedicated to PC gaming, and fully rendered cinematics/trailers. As long as this game isn't just a shooter, I'll be interested.
Definitely got a cute name for it +!

Polish development studio -1

I'm only kind of joking.
And I fail to see your point. What does motion blur have to do with saturation?

My point is that motion blur tends to intensify brighter colors in games. Look at the HUD in the motion blur shot again then look at it again in the third screen shot. If you can't tell the difference, getting some prescription glasses should do the trick.
Goddamn FPSs all look the same these days. CoD, BF3, Bioshock Infinite, Brink and now this. Can't tell any of them apart!
I'm a bit worried that it will be an over-the-top arcadey shooter when I see People Can Fly on the team. City Interactive also makes me skeptical. I hope this title is as much a CD Projekt-type title as it can.
Meh, watching the trailer and the screenshots didn't really do much for me

Reading the basic story gave me a good chuckle though, I guess that's good.
Another one off the production line...
My point is that motion blur tends to intensify brighter colors in games. Look at the HUD in the motion blur shot again then look at it again in the third screen shot. If you can't tell the difference, getting some prescription glasses should do the trick.

The saturation isn't any different in the two screenshots. One is just blurred while the other isn't, IE: motion blur. Motion blur does not intensify colors.
Gun porn, outdoor gun porn, underwater gun porn, boobs, bad oil rig movie miniseries
Similar sort of visual style to Unreal Tournament I would say.
Looking good, any release date yet?
Am I the only one who thinks that this looks so dull it moves me to tears?

I mean, it's unfair to judge anything by just a few minutes of gameplay footage, but neither that or the trailer has suggested any kind of plot so far. And that gunplay just looks awful. Looks like it'll feel like walking around with a toy gun going "ZAP ZAP ZAP! P-P-P-P-P-PUUUUU, RAT-TAT-TAT!!"
You're not the only one. The gameplay looks pretty boring as does much of the design(weapons, baddies, levels and the 'environmental weapon' stuff)
It looks pretty though. The best thing I saw was the terminal for upgrades and such. Not the implementation but the idea is really something I would like to see in more fps games. Getting weapons and ammo from vendors on the street instead of magical caches of munitions in some corner of the world that some deliver guy must still be scratching his head about. I would like to see more RPG elements in the FPS world. (but not crap like leveling)
The setting is awesome. Too bad its just a generic shooter. Such a shame.
Yes, because the game industry is absolutely bursting with oldschool arcade FPS, isn't it?

Lets see, we have: Serious Sam 3, Nexuiz, Tribes Ascend and now Hard Reset.

Ooooo, so many!
And bulletstorm and unreal tournament and Red faction and FEAR and Duke Nukem Forever, and a bunch of other less popular ones. But yeah, I suppose I see your point. If we don't have many of a boring genre, then its good to have more of it.
I gotta admit that didnt look too appealing to me. It is nice to see some games with numbered health instead of regen though.
And bulletstorm and unreal tournament and Red faction and FEAR and Duke Nukem Forever, and a bunch of other less popular ones. But yeah, I suppose I see your point. If we don't have many of a boring genre, then its good to have more of it.

No, actually you don't see my point at all.

Bulletstorm is not an oldschool arcade FPS (sprinting, iron sights, regen, quicktime events, no jumping, no exploration, etc.)
The FEAR series again is not oldschool arcade either.
Unreal Tournament 3 is 4 years old.
Red Faction, I assume you meant Armageddon? Again is not oldschool arcade, hell it's not even an FPS.
So that leaves Duke Nukem forever, which isn't an oldschool arcade FPS either (2 weapons, regen, sprint).

Fact of the matter is I WANT MORE games like UT, Quake 3, and Tribes. Whether they are multiplayer only, or single player only like Hard Reset, it's irrelevant.

You want completely different things out of your FPS gaming experience then I do. This game is simply not made to cater to your tastes, but by all means don't let that stop your bitching.
^Mad as heck.

Even if you are into things like Serious Sam or Painkiller, this game looks boring and generic as hell.
Yeah, those games weren't a fair comparison as they're all pretty different. Idunno, I guess I just lumped them all together instinctively because they're all so boring to me. Those kinds of gameplay are all just too mindless to provide any entertainment to me at all these days.
Yeah they're just not enough for you to chew on. You want something you can really sink your teeth into. Additional dog joke.
Demo is out now, on Steam, or these mirrors:


[/URL]like it. The demo is really short, but enough to show the shooting is pretty fun in an old-school, Serious Sam/Painkiller way, with plenty of enemy hordes. I was glad to see that there's a little more to it than just FPS nostalgia, however, there's lots of environmental interaction and the game world is a lot more coherent and immersive than I expected. It's still very much a throwback in terms of the way the weapons work, the powerups, and the secrets, but there's some decent atmosphere and a few elements of more modern level design. It feels more like an actual place than a set of random arenas like Painkiller or Serious Sam consisted of. The graphics are nice and the weapon upgrades seem like fun, too. It desperately needs quicksave, though, it's sort of insane that a game like this doesn't have it. All in all, pretty fun. I'll be keeping an eye out for what people say about the full game.