Hardware Forum Rules and Regs [Updated 9.23.03]

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May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Hardware Forum Rules and Regs [Updated]

1) No more "Will this run Half-Life 2?" Threads. They will immediately be deleted to remove clutter from the boards.


"At least a Pentium 800Mhz and a DX6 (Direct-X)-class video card."

If you have that, Half-Life 2 will run on your system. To get the most out of DirectX9, the following cards will be helpful: nVidia 5200, 5600, 5800, 5900 and Radeon 9500, 9600, 9700, 9800. Future video cards should also improve on Half-Life 2 FPS/DirectX further.

To see how HL2 has been performing on these cards look at these articles:


If you have an Intel 2.0Ghz processor/AMD 2000+ or more, you should be perfectly fine in terms of getting the most out of the game.

If you have a DirectX9 card, you will have all the DirectX 9 shaders. The game should run fine.

If you have a GeForce 4 Ti-4x00 class card, you will run the game fine, just without the DirectX 9 features (The cards support DirectX8)

If your card is GeForce 3-level or below (or a GeForce 4 MX series card), you should consider upgrading ONLY IF you have to have high performance at the highest level of graphics. The source engine will run perfectly fine on lower end systems, don't worry about it.

2) Keep down the flaming. We know the hardware forum is most prone to this, but please keep it civilized and clean.

3) This is a hardware and troubleshooting forum. Keep it on topic; Badger and Farrow have an Off-Topic forum for the other stuff.

4) Please think before making a thread. Making threads like "how benchmark on teh new XT card?" will be unreplied to and closed.

5) Keep down the spamming. People make multiple threads for one simple question. That is not acceptable. We also see people making threads directed at a certain person, this is what the PM system is for.

6) Absolutely no warez talk or anything similar.

7) If you have nothing useful/meaningful, dont say anything at all. Your post will be deleted or edited.

8) This thread is subject to being updated at any time.
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