Harry Potter 3


Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
(my class [4 people] saw HP 3 at a local screening for media people)

I must say it really is a great movie, it's very intense and flies right through. It felt like it was only half an hour. I can't tell you anything specific about it but I'm sure a lot of you have read the book.

One thing, if you thought the first two were lame because they were cheesy, this one has a new director and it's very awesome and well laid out. All of us were impressed.

If you care, there's going to be a review out on my website day before it comes (hopefully released at midnight).

I've heard a few good things about this new Potter movie.

What's your website, and when will the review be up?
Meh, never been a fan of Harry Potter.. and when i saw those Emma Watson forums it just makes me feel sick.. :x
I actually liked the books...

But I didnt like the first two films. Well I lie. The first one. I never bothered with the second...

When I read the books I got the impresion of a large world filled with imaginitive ideas and also a dark side that was truly intence at some points...

Well thats the way I interpruted some parts of it...

However up till now the films seem to have been made to make money and not actually stay 100% true to the feel of the books...

However, this one looks alot better to be honest.

Allthough I probably wont go and see it. Its been along time since I read those books....
i really dont like harry potter. i dont mind watching it, but i will not read the books. i just dont like the idea, its taking everything that fantasy stories have built upon, evolving witches and goblins and wizards into sinister incarnations of what they once were- like LOTR and many RPGs, but de-volves them back to the childish tales with witches with pointy hats and little green goblins.

but dispite this... PLEASE dont call it harry potter 3!!! that is not its name... that is from holywoods perspective!! harry potter is ENGLISH and so are the books... here in england we dont stick a number after the title and call it a "sequel"... and if we do we only do so because americans are influencing our society like poison. So call it "harry potter and the prizoner of azkaban" or whatever. just dont call it HP3!!!!
Suicide42 said:
i really dont like harry potter. i dont mind watching it, but i will not read the books. i just dont like the idea, its taking everything that fantasy stories have built upon, evolving witches and goblins and wizards into sinister incarnations of what they once were- like LOTR and many RPGs, but de-volves them back to the childish tales with witches with pointy hats and little green goblins.

but dispite this... PLEASE dont call it harry potter 3!!! that is not its name... that is from holywoods perspective!! harry potter is ENGLISH and so are the books... here in england we dont stick a number after the title and call it a "sequel"... and if we do we only do so because americans are influencing our society like poison. So call it "harry potter and the prizoner of azkaban" or whatever. just dont call it HP3!!!!

I hate it when they just put a number after the title just to show it's a sequel too...

However, I do like the Harry Potter books. I started reading them before I knew anything about the series, and I was hooked. One time I read the 4th book aloud to my sister in the car (because she had a headache) and I was near the end...

...right when Voldemort kills Cedric Diggory just because he wasn't really supposed to be there. My brother butted in saying, "Wait a second...Harry Potter is a kid's book! They can't just murder someone for no reason whatsoever! Did that guy have a big part in the book?" "Kinda." I replied. "What the hell...?" my brother says quite surprised.

That's when my brother changed his mind about Harry Potter and decided to read them. He doesn't think they're too childish and neither do I.
i hate harry potter !! i have to work 5 days this week because of the little basterd when i should be doing revision
I get to see it with my class, as well. The day it comes out the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades are taking a trip to the movies. :D
Yeah I'll see it, the trailer convinced me :)

Read books 1-4, quit when I saw the size of the fifth, the Phoenix thinger one. Not a bad read but it gets old =/

Still, looks like it's really dark and cool, unlike the second which just tried to be but came off cheesy and kiddy.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I actually liked the books...

But I didnt like the first two films. Well I lie. The first one. I never bothered with the second...

When I read the books I got the impresion of a large world filled with imaginitive ideas and also a dark side that was truly intence at some points...

Well thats the way I interpruted some parts of it...

However up till now the films seem to have been made to make money and not actually stay 100% true to the feel of the books...

However, this one looks alot better to be honest.

Allthough I probably wont go and see it. Its been along time since I read those books....
I liked all the books but I didn't like the 2nd movie at all. I am going to see the third one just because I can for free, hopefully it won't suck or be a kiddy power movie...
ray_MAN said:
I get to see it with my class, as well. The day it comes out the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades are taking a trip to the movies. :D
Lucky bastard! :hmph:
I'm not intellectual enough to read the books, so I'm really not interested in Hrry Potter. My mates dragged me to see the first one and that was seriously not my type of film. It's like Lord of the Rings, but with all the good bits taken out, and with loads of kids that can't act... I'm guessing the 3rd one will be just as good!

but I may be completely wrong, and talking out of my fart hole.
The Lord of the Rings - Entertainment Value + Really Annoying Kids = Harry Potter.
Suicide42 said:
but dispite this... PLEASE dont call it harry potter 3!!! that is not its name... that is from holywoods perspective!! harry potter is ENGLISH and so are the books... here in england we dont stick a number after the title and call it a "sequel"... and if we do we only do so because americans are influencing our society like poison. So call it "harry potter and the prizoner of azkaban" or whatever. just dont call it HP3!!!!
wow, touchy about sequels? it's ok. sure, it's Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban but it IS the third installment of the Harry Potter series whether you call it that or not.

And as to your so-called "poisoning" by american culture, you choose to listen to american music and watch american movies. americans wouldn't export its culture if there wasn't demand for it. i love a lot of music from England (Beatles, Coldplay, Interpol etc), but i would never claim to be "poisoned" by english culture.
Bad^Hat said:
Yeah I'll see it, the trailer convinced me :)

Read books 1-4, quit when I saw the size of the fifth, the Phoenix thinger one. Not a bad read but it gets old =/

Give it a try, I found the fifth book flying by much faster than the fourth with fewer subplots.

The Lord of the Rings - Entertainment Value + Really Annoying Kids = Harry Potter.

Not quite. I'm assuming you've read ALL the books AND seen both films....right? It looks like kids aren't the only things annoying around here. :upstare:
I was anti-Harry Potter because I thought it would be way too childish, but I did my yr 12 English Major on the first Harry Potter book, and The Fellowship of the Ring using a topic along the lines of "Harry Potter is a cut down LotR for children"...can't remember exactly. Anyway, so after reading it, I had a lot more respect for the Harry Potter series than previously. I'd recommend people give it a shot, it's a relatively easy read and easy to get into.
Third book is my favorite. Then the fourth. Didn't really care much foor book 5.
The 4th was my favorite. I think it had the biggest twist at the end and I really thought it was intense during the tasks.

Then comes the 3rd, 5th, 2nd and 1st. The 5th was not as intense or as cool as the others and the way Harry acted sometimes bugged me.
Adidajs said:
wow, touchy about sequels? it's ok. sure, it's Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban but it IS the third installment of the Harry Potter series whether you call it that or not.

And as to your so-called "poisoning" by american culture, you choose to listen to american music and watch american movies. americans wouldn't export its culture if there wasn't demand for it. i love a lot of music from England (Beatles, Coldplay, Interpol etc), but i would never claim to be "poisoned" by english culture.

i didnt quite mean it like that. i meant it more like the big, fat american bosses of companies who are only interested in making money, and they dont care what the citizens of america think.. so they slap a 3 after harry potter, then sell it to the rest of the world for a tidy profit.

meh, i know thats a steriotype, but i just mean i definately didnt mean it in such a harsh way... just the way that now little kids are calling drinks "soda's" and films "movies" and lifts "elevators".... plus theyre all eating at mcDonalds and getting fat ;(
lol, I still call going to the movies going to the pictures...how old does that make me sound.
suicide42 said:
meh, i know thats a steriotype, but i just mean i definately didnt mean it in such a harsh way... just the way that now little kids are calling drinks "soda's" and films "movies" and lifts "elevators".... plus theyre all eating at mcDonalds and getting fat

that's cool. btw, we have region differences about what we call carbonated beverages (there's another thread on this). i call everything coke, and then specify. it's weird. i know.

Actually most people here have a distinction between films and movies. Harry Potter is considered a "movie". Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon would be considered a "film". The difference being that a movie is for pure entertainment (i.e. it's an action movie, or a horror movie), and a film is more cerebral (it makes you think about human interactions, politics, mankind in general). Sure some movies could be considered films and vice versa, but that's generally how it is distinguished. Typically movies make a helluva lot more money than films.

I lament how we americans eat too much fast food too.

It is kinda sad how some things do change from influence from other cultures. The English should always call elevators "lifts" or shopping carts "trolleys".
Ive seen the film! Im going to say this: first 2 films were shit, complete and utter crap. But the third film "Harry potter 3" was really, really good. There are parts where its just kiddie stuff anda annoying but this film was great. Id recommend it to anyone, please dont snub it because its a "kiddie film" its got a lot of action and adventure scenes in it:D.
I dont know,

THe 1st two movies pissed me off because they didnt follow the books very well. The next one supposed to be better but I really want to see the fifth one! Year 5 was the best book so far! And if they would follow the book it would be an awsome movie!
AmishSlayer said:
The 4th was my favorite. I think it had the biggest twist at the end and I really thought it was intense during the tasks.

Then comes the 3rd, 5th, 2nd and 1st. The 5th was not as intense or as cool as the others and the way Harry acted sometimes bugged me.

Well hes 15 for starters and hes growing up. Horimones and all that crap, plus the Cho chick didnt go for him.

That alone would piss some people off.
Suicide42 said:
i really dont like harry potter. i dont mind watching it, but i will not read the books. i just dont like the idea, its taking everything that fantasy stories have built upon, evolving witches and goblins and wizards into sinister incarnations of what they once were- like LOTR and many RPGs, but de-volves them back to the childish tales with witches with pointy hats and little green goblins.

but dispite this... PLEASE dont call it harry potter 3!!! that is not its name... that is from holywoods perspective!! harry potter is ENGLISH and so are the books... here in england we dont stick a number after the title and call it a "sequel"... and if we do we only do so because americans are influencing our society like poison. So call it "harry potter and the prizoner of azkaban" or whatever. just dont call it HP3!!!!

I know, 'tis just easier to say that instead of *hates this* Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkhaban.

We Americans are just lazy.

Site is Newsbyteens.com, it'll be on the front page on June 4th I think.
My sis is gonna see the movie, she talks about how good it'll be etc.. meh. I think I'll just go check it out, it looks a little more dark and such than the other movies if you look at the trailer on TV.
Review is up on my site but it's not the main article, when I get home it will be. It's under Top News and will be up in a bit. (newsbyteens.com) :)

There will also be my OWN review on my personal site, subkamran.com in the Raves section when I get home.
mortiz said:
The Lord of the Rings - Entertainment Value + Really Annoying Kids = Harry Potter.

I can't see any film in the near future being as good as the Lord of the Rings films. As for Harry Potter, i just can't stand the kid who plays the part of Harry Potter. He is the only problem I have with it. Apart from that, the films seem to be quite good. The second film was better than the first film, probably because of the better storyline etc. Hopefully the third film will be even better because in my opinion the third installment of the book was alot better than the first and second.
I just saw it.

I'm a fan of the books but not of the first two movies.However, HP3 is very good considering it's a children film, nice direction and better action really works...howver it was slightly fast paced.
The best Harry Potter book by a fair whack. Sirius is a fantastic character, and huzzah for having Gary Oldman there for he is great, many times over.