Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows teaser

i really hope all goes well. the last movie was kinda boring compared to the book and things were changed too much. if this director ****s it up i'm gunna be angry. but since i'm a bigger and bigger fan as i get more into the series i'll probably end up buying the bluray for $15 when it comes out monday night at midnight

edit: nov 2010 for part 1, july 2011 for part 2. damn this seems like a long time away
Not the biggest fan of HP, but this looks like it will be entertaining.
All fights will be reduced to an FX lightshow, your favorite scene will be cut, Snape's death will have no emotion, fanfiction epilogue
It'll be shit, like the rest of the series. I only hope Rickman is given a lot of screen time to ham it up - the one redeeming feature of the HP films.
All fights will be reduced to an FX lightshow, your favorite scene will be cut, Snape's death will have no emotion, fanfiction epilogue
Pretty much, sigh.
It'll be shit, like the rest of the series. I only hope Rickman is given a lot of screen time to ham it up - the one redeeming feature of the HP films.

Oh boooooo hooooooo.
Whoopde****ingdoo :|

At least there is only 2 more of these things (why did you split it apart from money grabbing eh? you didn't split number 5 and that was the longest one) and hopefully this franchise will then just lie in quiet stillness thereafter >_>
I'm just trying to follow the example set by our moderators. Apparently such comments are not in fact trolling.
I've seen the first, second and fourth movie, and haven't enjoyed any of them. I have no reason to believe that this will be any better. The novels are by all means decent, but the movies have been very mediocre.
Bluewolf is a fine role model.

Hey community we're am giving away FREE tickets to Hary Potter and the Deadly hollows if is can maybe you entry DO NOW

Boy is that a bad way to live your life.

Yeah but if you act like a dick in the same way that the mods act like a dick you can usually get away with it.
I like hp 1, 2,3,4.

Didn't really like 5 much as the innocence is completely gone.

Haven't seen 6.
I find it interesting that the main topic of threads always gradually evolves and morphs to something else.

That said, I didn't like the movies.
I don't care if the movie has a different plot or ending, as a matter in fact I'd prefer something different. Also if you don't want to wait so long, forget about the damn thing, thats what I did and the movies just kept coming and coming.
I don't care if the movie has a different plot or ending, as a matter in fact I'd prefer something different. Also if you don't want to wait so long, forget about the damn thing, thats what I did and the movies just kept coming and coming.

or the fact that your growing old and things don't interest you as much and patience has been learned. i do the same with movies, but for me games i sometimes have to have day 1
Hey community we're am giving away FREE tickets to Hary Potter and the Deadly hollows if is can maybe you entry DO NOW


Oh lord I lolled.

I like film 3 and 5. Haven't seen 6 yet. If it wasn't for Daniel Radcliffe, the films would be OK. Especially if Emma Watson was forced to do it naked apart from a dog collar and electric nipple clamps.
Especially if Emma Watson was forced to do it naked apart from a dog collar and electric nipple clamps.


*reads again*

Oh lord I lolled.

I like film 3 and 5. Haven't seen 6 yet. If it wasn't for Daniel Radcliffe, the films would be OK. Especially if Emma Watson was forced to do it naked apart from a dog collar and electric nipple clamps.

*Prints page, takes to bathroom*