Harvey Pekar died today


The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
Cleveland star, character and writer of the American Splendor comics. One of the first popular comics that were about daily life and regular people, rather than super-heroes.

Pekar's friendship with Robert Crumb led to the creation of the autobiographical comic book series American Splendor, later adapted as a movie. Crumb and Pekar became friends through their mutual love of jazz records; as a result of his friend's work in underground comics, Pekar says,[citation needed] he started to see the form's possibilities. "Comics could do anything that film could do," he offers. "And I wanted in on it."[citation needed] But it took Pekar some time to decide just what he wanted to do. "I theorized for maybe ten years about doing comics," he says.[citation needed] Pekar laid out some stories with crude stick figures and showed them to Crumb and another artist, Robert Armstrong. Impressed, they both offered to illustrate, and soon Pekar's story "Crazy Ed" appeared in Crumb's The People's Comics,


RIP mr Pekar. if you're not famliar with his work you should at least watch American Splendor; great flick. Also Comic Book confidential
Man.... one person cares about Harvey Pekar. Yall suck.
Shit, I didn't expect him to die so soon.

Anonymous said:
I've never read American Splendor because it just sounded like another Captain America ripoff, but judging from the reaction here I might give it a shot. Can anybody tell me anything about it? What are his powers?