Has anyone benchmarked CS:S yet?


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
I'd like to see the difference between the 6800 and X800 series of cards, just to settle a few debates.

Also, does it have a built-in benchmark? Like Doom 3's timedemo demo1.
Sub, what card do you have? I guess we can get the average FPS over a few people that already have it.
just to give a general idea of performance:
p4 3 ghz + 9700 pro + 1gb ram + 4xAA/16xAF = smooth no matter what
9600xt no AA/AF (don't know the other specs) = I think about 60/70-80 (I know there was an 80 in there...)

I believe both times were on highest settings at 1024x768. And that's just going by what other people have said, I haven't played the game myself.

The 6800's and x800's will run the game very very very well on any settings.
9600XT w/512mb PC2700 Ram @ 1024 x 768 wi 2 x AA & 8 x AF = smooth as silk from 40 / 90 fps.
well as long as mine plays above 30, I really dont care. As far as 70+ goes... the human eye can only see upto 70 fps (I seem to remember) so anything greater is a waste!
2.96Ghz P4
Radeon 9800 Pro
All settings maxed

I get average 70fps. I can run 1600x1200, 4xAA/16xAF, 30fps. I can run 1920x1440 [highest possible resolution] 0xAA/16xAF at 30fps.
I'm running an A64 3200, X800 XT PE, 1 GB of OCZ PC3700, I'll obviously be safe, but I'm still trying to find a comparison between that and the 6800 Ultra.
glHalfLife said:
well as long as mine plays above 30, I really dont care. As far as 70+ goes... the human eye can only see upto 70 fps (I seem to remember) so anything greater is a waste!

The human eye can see more than that. I know this simply because I can detect a difference between 70 and 100 fps in CS.
ElderlyNewt said:
The human eye can see more than that. I know this simply because I can detect a difference between 70 and 100 fps in CS.
I don't think its really detecting at that point as it is feeling that when its at 100 fps its easier on your eyes.
the average human eye CAN detect up to 200 fps but the brain can not totally interprut this change( as the Mullinator said) you can feel that it is better on your eyes.
I have Athlon 2800+ with a TI 4200 and I get like 70-80 FPS usually, so anyone with a 9600 XT or higher should get 99 FPS at all times I would think.
My specs are in my sig, I should be able to run it max everything(except res, I like mine no higher then 1024x768) at like 60 FPS at least I would think.

Baal, your from Hali? Im from New Glasgow, message me on MSN sometime. email: [email protected]
Tried it...

My system

AMD Athlon 64 3200+ 1mbCache
1GB DDR 400 (512mb DDR 400 Geil Golden Dragon, 512 MB DDR 500 Kingston HyperX)
Radeon 9800Pro (at stock)

With this system, 4XAA, 16XAF and 1024x768... the lag was noticeable when inside the tunnels with reflections on all objects

Walls gave me 100+ fps and inside I got around 40 fps WITH NO ENEMY IN SIGHT.. Along the underpass it would drop to around 50s...
I haven't played but judging by your results i'll be running it at 1024x768 with 6xAA. Those are my favourties settings, I believe they produce a better looking picture than any other combination. Except ofcourse for those who can run it at 1600x1200 with 6xAA and 16xAF!

My system:

AMD Athlon 2.6Ghz
ASUS Nforce2 MOB
HIS eXcalibur 128mb Radeon 9800pro (Arctic Cooling)
12x DVD-RW
80GB 7200rpm HDD
1024x768 all options on high AA 2x
2500+ @ 2.16ghz
512mb ram PC3200

avg fps 60/
2 systems so far.

Intel pentium 4 2.6ghz
512mb pc3200 ddr
Ati 9800 pro 128mb (256bit)

settings: everything maxed, (Full AF no AA)

performance: Average FPS during a game with +/- 40 people = 60-90 (even in really big gunfights never dips below 50)

Pentium 4 2.8hgz
256mb pc3200 ddr
Geforce 5200 FX (shite card)

everything on High,(no AF or AA) all options on. however since its a DX8 card he doesnt get reflections etc.

performance: 60fps pretty much constant.. it runs better than the other one in certain places.

conclusion, CS:S is one optimized puppy.. I was so surprised that it ran on my second comp, I shat my pants...
not only did it run, it ran F'ing damn well.
Sparta said:
That's surprising. Nice :D
yeah it was, I seriously was not expecting it, neither was my bro.

I said, hell lets try it to see if it works... and he was like.. theres no point I need more ram, and my vid card blows.

I just did it outta pure curiousity. and whammo.. it runs absolutely perfectly.. needless to say my brother dropped a load in his pants right then and there.
Wow - valve really made the game heavily optimized! :D
lans said:
Wow - valve really made the game heavily optimized! :D
I just realized that on my first comp I had 4xAA on the whole time.. I had it enabled in my 3d options for my vid card.

hehe, so yeah I had AA on.. I wondered why it looked so crisp
SubKamran said:
No, no built in benchmarks. :(

yes there is. record a demo, then type this command at the console:
timedemo demoname

that will run it as fast as it can, then tell you the average fps. just like quake 1, 2, 3, doom 3, etc