Has anyone managed to.......


May 15, 2004
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has anyone managed to find out what Breen is saying on the TV in the flats trailer...or what the metrocops say before kicking dow the door?

All i could here from Breen was something about the future and as gordon leaves the room;

"Rather than answer everyones questions."

anyone else had any luck?
i dunno. lemme figure it out.
The first subway part goes:
Welcome! Welcome to City 17
You have chosen or been chosen to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers(?).
I thought so much of City 17 that i acted to establish my administration here.
In the citidel so thoughfully provided by our benifietors.
I've been proud to call City 17 my home.
And so, whether you are here to stay, or just passing through on your way to parts unkown.
Welcome, to City 17. It's safer here.
That was in the first subway train area
And it just repeats over and over

The Apartment part for me i didn't hear too much. I heard "space" and "future"
from breen

The cops say something along the lines of
"Don't move. They come bring up bring something up"
I actually have no idea. They all have that stupid mechanical voice.
In addition to Samon's question.. does anyone know what the female announcer is saying as Gordon begins to near the stairs in the flats?

This is before a citizen says "psst.. in here"
hmm i listened to it again and again and it sounds like :
"i cant taking anymore, . . . . . what do we have to do ?"
eber said:
hmm i listened to it again and again and it sounds like :
"i cant taking anymore, . . . . . what do we have to do ?"

Not the couple Eber.

Question's about what Breen says on the tv

and mine was about the flat announcer says
I think she says, "Attention residents, miscount detected in all blocks." I'm not sure about the "all"; up until now I've imagined Freeman has been detected a rogue citizen. I can't make out what she says after.

I think part of what Breen says is "what gives us the right to make this decision? ... mankind" It sounds like he is trying to convince the citizens he is doing the right thing.
dæmon said:
I think she says, "Attention residents, miscount detected in all blocks." I'm not sure about the "all";QUOTE]

i think the same. She says all blocks, i think...
HA! I think I just figured out the identity of...


If anyone's read that news post with the confirmation of the voice actors' identities in it, you'll recall that there was something called "Overwatch" or "Overwatch Voice" at the end of the list... And I'm pretty sure the actor had a female name...

I reckon the announcement voice is this "Overwatch" person. Kind of like that digitised-sounding PA system voice from the first Half Life... Which probably means that it's not actually a person...
Well I was wondering what that "character" could be, and it kind of just clicked when I watched the video again... I wonder if it's some sort of city-wide computer system, like Holly on Red Dwarf?
Brian Damage said:
Well I was wondering what that "character" could be, and it kind of just clicked when I watched the video again... I wonder if it's some sort of city-wide computer system, like Holly on Red Dwarf?
No. This one will be able to count to six without banging her head against the screen.
maybe this outside person is the hev suit voice? ie. major fracture detected. or whatever it is she says throughout Hl 1 :)
Om jag nu måste välja, så väljer jag köttet
By "outside" do you mean "overwatch"? Or are you talking about something completely different?
Damage, sounds like you're correct. It makes clear sense.
Grr, I wanna figure out what that woman PA announcer says, sounds to me like:

"Attention residents, miscount detected in your block, code(illegible, illegible), mobile visual warned(?)"

As for breen on the television, this is hard to hear too, but what I hear is:

"decisions for mankind(illegible)...your concerns, rather than try to answer every possible question..."

Man we need those binks so we can hear better.
"Attention residents, miscount detected in "O" block... somethingsomethingsomething - teams - somethingsomethingsomething - warned..."?
I don't think it's possible at all to her wwhat Breen TV is saying.

As for the overwatch speaker, we all think the 'miscount' was caused by Gordon's presence, right?
Either Freeman or something to do with that room the police broke into. Seems like the people upstairs were about to tell the player what was going on / trying to get Freeman out of the corridors.
AJ Rimmer said:
No. This one will be able to count to six without banging her head against the screen.

And will be smarter than 500 P.E. Teachers.
If anyone had a nice sound split software that could separate soud layers, our life would be so much easier.....
With the 'was that you knocking' guy, Breen said something about the 'future of the species' which kinda points at whole mankind being threatened.
Also: the PA voice in HL used hundreds of one-word samples and strung them all together. I assume they used MS Sam or something...

A city wide computer system woudl be cool, but I doubt it. It doesn't quite fit in...
The ShockTroopers in OP4 used a similar system. All their wav files are single syllable sounds. That way, the Gearbox dudes could just string them together into sentences (They sound even weirder than the Vortigaunts... "Garb goopa garba gab!").
The woman on the outside on the megapone says:

"Attention residents, miscount detected in 0 block. Code Green. There (some words i cant translate cause combine are in the room) reward."
Speaking of one word scentences put together... I wonder if we can do that in HL2....

Anyways, I doubt what those people say is anything important.
I will record the sound and cut out everything but the voice, and somehow enhance the audio and reduce alot of that other stuff(and noise) so I can hear everything she is saying... i'll do that tomrrow. for now I must go to bed.
i have just tried the sound splitting thing, its a bit dodgy since i couldnt stamp out all the different sounds, i only managed to get them quiter.

"What gives us the right to make these descisions, we are talking about the future of a species ************************ these anzieties of it all, rather than answer everyones question
Damn, really wish I had the binks now. This is driving me nuts.

Side note: The human grunts also used strings of individual words in order to create proper sentences. That's why it always sounded like "ALL! TEAMS! ATTACK! FREEMAN!", giving that cool effect whenever you heard radio chatter.

Years ago, I used to dick around with that stuff and make my own little wav files, and I wasn't the only one. Back in the Napster days, I just typed in "Half-Life" for the hell of it and found thousands of mp3s people made doing the same thing. Using the different sound files from the games, you'd find Half-Life vs. Kingpin, Half-Life vs. Resident Evil, Half-Life vs. StarCraft... It was amazing, and they were all quite good. Then there was Counter-Strike vs. Pikachu, the sad tale of a CT team trying to take down the yellow rat, ending with the weeping violin as the last member of the team is hunted down by the evil creature. Brought tears to my eyes.
Wow...that sounds like it could make a good film...

Actually my friend made something like that. Using just a microphone, sound recorder and his own voice he made a cs match complete with commentary, gunshots and so on. He sped it up or slowed it down to get the right effects and it worked really well. Oh yeah and he used the music from Terminator. ;)

I noticed that about the H_grunts. "Freeman! Is! My! Mother!"
Freeman is my mother?

Lmao I just found this WAV file in my HL > valve > sounds folder called "destructbutton" it's a lady happily saying "Thank you for pressing the self-destruct button!"
As for the couple in the room to the right, they say: "I can't take it anymore. What are we going to do?" "We'll think of something."