I read in an interview that the developers of Half Life, Valve, hadn't thought that they have truly changed the gaming culture. I for one, agree with them. The only thing that has changed is that alot of people have used HL1 to launch their ideas. I'm not saying this is a bad thing at all, but look at every game that has come out after HL1. Firstly, not many have been even close with a strong storyline as HL1, nor have they come close with AI. Why? I'm sure developers have looked at Half Life and said, "hmm.. this game has sold millions and is still being played many years afterward, let's find out why". But, has gaming truly changed much? the only thing I have seen change is the fact there are no "levels" (example: quake, duke nukem 3D, super mario brothers) Half Life was the first, or one of the first, to have a flow to the game where there was no stopping point, only small load times. I would love to hear everyone else's thoughts on this.