Haunting/"Scary" Music?


Companion Cube
Dec 28, 2005
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What music have you heard that genuinely sent chills down your spine, making you feel uncomfortable and just a tad creeped out?

Fitter, Happier by Radiohead is probably the most memorable for me. Starts off simple with a Microsoft Sam type voice reading out some sentences about the "perfect lifestyle" that has been dreamed up by people. But then the sloppy/chillling/incredibly effective piano kicks in... it's both an eye opener to our society and a haunting song in the process.

So, what's yours?
The Smiths - The Hand That Rocks The Cradle

Haunting vocals, jangly guitar..and a normal song until you listen to it properly.. then it becomes creepy..
Alot of the songs on the Queen of the Damned soundtrack are pretty creepy.
For creepiness Portishead can do it pretty well, "Strangers" is a good example.


"No Station" by 65daysofstatic, the ambient noise and samples of Number Stations are particulary creepy.

Track 7 Disc 1, "Gong station chimes irdial" from the Conet Project album, is just wrong. I heard this late at night, in the dark...Not good.

Although it only lasts 35 seconds, DJ Shadow's "Xx Transmission 1" is good in the creepy department.
creepiness goes to "moonlight sonata" ... forget who by buts its classical. gets me every time
Jesu's s/t album is really dark stuff. Not dark like 'rawwrrrr black methul!1', just dark, gloomy, foggy and eerie dark. The best way to describe some it would be, as I said in another thread, the kind of music that would be the background to the 'Nightmare' time in the Silent Hill games (particually the movie; dull, rusty, gloomy, etc)

It's such a great album of post-metal distortion, fuzzy noises and shoegazing, but it's also so hard to listen to because it's so downbeat.
Alot of the songs on the Queen of the Damned soundtrack are pretty creepy.

Spade by Marilyn Manson, good song
As for Classical, Dance of Death is a haunting song. Real name is Dace a mucabre or something or other.
certain aphex ambient tracks creep me out, like tree
The title theme to A Clockwork Orange always sends a chill down my spine.
Most songs performed by AMM can be troubling, especially with their prepared guitars and whatnot.
Blue Calx creeps me out, mostly because of the image I get in my head when I hear it.

It would be too hard to explain, I've already tried.
Blue Calx creeps me out, mostly because of the image I get in my head when I hear it.

It would be too hard to explain, I've already tried.

Seriously?! That's like one of the most relaxing songs I know. Well... maybe not relaxing. It's actually kind of sad. But you get my point.

Definitely some tracks on SAW2 that can get under your skin.
The constant knocking sound puts the image of some dark tall and angularly shaped individual knocking on a door, at a perfectly constant and repetitive motion. The house is very old, and old style, it's a chilly dark night, I'm alone in the house with all lights off, I am huddled in some corner of some room, hearing that knocking. How much longer will he continue before he comes in to get me?

Sort of like that.
In all fairness, parts of drukqs did creep me out somewhat. The other way, as I was waiting for my mate to finish class, I was listening to the very end of the CD, and as Beskhu3epnm came on, and after that Nanou 2, I just sat there, staring at the ground, all of a sudden completly saddened by these two really moving tracks. All I could think of was ''how do you make something like this? How do you be in this completly darkened, messed-up piece of mind to create this?'' It's the way the album has it's intervals of tracks that use the harpsicord/musicbox type sound that does it. It sounds so sadistic and child-like. Scary stuff, maaaan.
drukqs is definitely a mind-twister. Parts of it sound like they had to be painful to create. Kind of reminds you that the grinning madman does feel pain and sadness like everybody else.

"Gwely Mernans" definitely another haunting piece.
Aussois is creepy if you have looked up or are able to understand what they are saying.
First Place Winner: Whaling Tale by Valley of the Giants.

Also: Evacuation by Mike Oldfield, Right Where it Belongs by NIN, and the Jacknife Lee remix of Ave Maria from the 28 Days Later soundtrack.

And absolutely anything by:
Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Silver Mt. Zion, Hrsta and (especially) Set Fire to Flames.

The thing is though that I'm not sure if I can personally classify these as scary, since haunting music makes me feel happy due to extreme goodness.
Boards of Canada has some creepy/cool parts, like in Everything you do... at the end, with all the crickets chirping. I'd be kind of creeped out if i were alone and listening to that or something. And Sixtyten too.
I'm really sorry to kind of jack this thread slightly, but I wont want to make a whole new thread for it and it sort of deals with erie ambiance.

So I was messing around with Reason and wanted to make something that sort of illustrates chaos theory. Here are my notes in the song file:

A snare drum playing twice per measure sent through 7 chained delay filters with successively increased delay time. As the snare continues to play, it adds into the mess of sound and creates various resonance patterns based on the BPM. This evolving sound is sent through a Unison and several EQs to bring out a nice(r) bassy and ambient tone. Varying the BPM level will cause different resonance patterns and a completely different tone. As the sound continues it evolves slowly over time.

I have a collection of about 6 different BPM compilations in this MP3, I didn't want to include the whole lengths for each because it would be too long.

Just thought this was neat, a fairly pleasent and deep ambient mood created from one snare sample, and you can hear how it evolves.

The Tribes of Neurot: Silver Blood Transmission. I can NOT listen to that CD without freaking out. Track 3 (Fires of Purification) rules, but for fun, we'll turn the lights off, play the CD, and see how long we can stand it. My eyes start watering, my heart rate goes up, I get goose bumps where I didn't think I had them, and I go running to the player to make it stop. I couldn't get past a couple tracks when I first heard it, but I'm a little tougher now. Just thinking about it gives me the shivers. When I have my player on shuffle, sometimes one of those songs will start and it's a mad dash to the FF button.
I'm really sorry to kind of jack this thread slightly, but I wont want to make a whole new thread for it and it sort of deals with erie ambiance.

So I was messing around with Reason and wanted to make something that sort of illustrates chaos theory. Here are my notes in the song file:

A snare drum playing twice per measure sent through 7 chained delay filters with successively increased delay time. As the snare continues to play, it adds into the mess of sound and creates various resonance patterns based on the BPM. This evolving sound is sent through a Unison and several EQs to bring out a nice(r) bassy and ambient tone. Varying the BPM level will cause different resonance patterns and a completely different tone. As the sound continues it evolves slowly over time.

I have a collection of about 6 different BPM compilations in this MP3, I didn't want to include the whole lengths for each because it would be too long.

Just thought this was neat, a fairly pleasent and deep ambient mood created from one snare sample, and you can hear how it evolves.


cool shit dude! very nice minimal ambience imho :)
Cowboy Dan by Modest Mouse has a very haunting, western sound. Requiem for a Dream soundtrack always creeps me out. Godspeed You! Black Emperor's got some real haunting ones. Sonic Youth's new CD, Rather Ripped, was pretty creepy too.
Skinny Puppy is weird as hell to listen to, especially if you're driving at night. Give that a shot.
For haunting, definately "Song to the Siren" by Tim Buckley.

-Angry Lawyer
No idea what would cause that, because it's not in the original MIDI I have.

-Angry Lawyer
Faaip de Oiad, the closing track on Tool's Lateralus album is pretty creepy, especially if the lights are off :eek: