Have server admins lost their minds?


Sep 19, 2004
Reaction score
Now I know that this may sound a little harsh or judgemental for some mappers but I can't seem to understand the influx of servers that rotate lower quality maps. Why is it that there are 20 servers with dm_crossfire_b2 (not even the most recent release of an average map) and I cant find a single server with dm_agora, dm_elysia, or dm_depot (goto hl2world if u dont know, high quality maps).
On CSSource everyone plays de_nukes_b8 which is the same as de_nukes and de_nuke while noone is playing de_nuke2 (an amazing remake that far surpasses de_nukes_b8).
Are the good maps not being distributed enough? Are server admins not checking for good maps? I am looking forward to playing on all of these great new maps but theyre no fun if i have to go solo!
there are reasons server admins don't put maps on their server

dm_elysia - terrible framerate. this is more of a 'looker' map. if i get 25fps on average by myself on some of the best hardware what will others get?

dm_agora - fine framerate, but the bsp is around 40 meg. 40. not a good map to host on your server if you want anyone to join.

not sure about depot, it doesn't have great framerate either, but is the final version even out? just googeld and couldn't see it.
dm_elysia runs great on my comp:
amd 3200
512mb ram
radeon 9800xt 256
I've managed to find a server running agora but there was hardly anyone in the server cuz most people dont know where to go to download good maps. *sigh* what to do?
I'm with ya johnmedz. In CS back when I used to play I'd always be requesting maps that might be less popular or ones that not everyone had. But that's why I like LAN parties. Insta-map-transfer and your own choice of maps (added bonus of no internet riff-raff to deal with).
johnmedz said:
dm_elysia runs great on my comp:
amd 3200
512mb ram
radeon 9800xt 256
I've managed to find a server running agora but there was hardly anyone in the server cuz most people dont know where to go to download good maps. *sigh* what to do?

thats because people like to auto download maps, its more convenient. and auto-downloading a 40 meg file on a server that limits the speed just takes way too long.

and what settings and framerate do you get on elysia? i get 100fps+ in lockdown, and 25 average in elysia.
Wel first the map must run smooth on a server or admins wil remove from the cycle anyway,
the map must be easy to learn, offer great gameplay and have a nice setting.
And then comes how it looks.

Thats what i think of it anyway.
I downloaded agora at hl2w3rld, but when I went to see who was running it, it wasn't on any dedicated servers, or on a server with a good ping. Somebody was running it off their machine and i think about 4 people joined when I was there.
i just went on, too empty for me....
i downloaded it seperately in like 10 secs....
it doenst actually llook like it would have good gameplay, but how can one tell????
ya i might just run my own dedicated server at some point with a cycle of these quality maps. I agree with what your'e saying poseyjmac, it is a large file. But I know the creators didn't make the maps so that noone would play on them.
Agreed, they need optimizations but if noone plays on them, its harder to bug test and find what needs to be optimized
for anyone reading this, join the only server running dm_agora, i want to try it out. i think the ip is or you can just search for dm_agora...
o ya, also posey: here are the fps

dm_elysia: 120 fps in closed in areas, 45 fps if im looking at every island looking towards the middle of the map (45 is the lowest it goes)
dm_lockdown: ~200 fps in closed in areas, 80 at its lowest

I think that is to be expected with a more open outdoor map, 45 isnt that bad. O ya, i run 1024x768 medium and some high details no AA Trillinear texturing
ok, 45 is the lowest it goes, when you are by yourself though. add 10 players and see what happens. im not trying to hate on the map or anything, i enjoy it, but this is reality of the situation.
Then theres also people who can hardly even play the map with just one person in it.
i played with 5 other people in my view and didnt get lower than 45. thats what im saying. the server was laggy but fps was fine.
Yeah, but Im just saying maybe the admins are trying to find a balance for all the people, then again, maybe not
I agree, admins need to kick it up a notch, crossfire is somewhat of a ... terrible map.
DM_DepotRC1 (latest version) is currently in rotation on the PCZone servers and runs pretty smooth with 16 players on my machine.

I do sympathise with you not being able to find updated versions of maps though. I dont know how many time i've seen Dm_depot beta1&2 being played (old, unoptimised versions) and then people coming back to me saying my map runs bad.

RC1 is 50% faster and hopefully RC2 will be much faster still, but anyway its hard to contact most server admins and inform them that they are running an old map . best thing to do i find a server which has at least 1 or 2 of your fave maps on its rotation and add it to your faves' and keep an eye out from time to time to see what map is running