Have you been more paranoid about birds since the bird flu?


Party Escort Bot
Oct 20, 2004
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What I mean is, do you watch out for birds that behave oddly, and are you more paranoid about eating cooked birds?

I'm not, because I've got two chickens in my backyard, and I'm also eating one now (not from my backyard, though, they're too fluffy for that :p).

Belgium ftw! \0/
And chicken tastes great :p
Nah, not really. I figure the flu has a while before it reaches Australia.
Me too. Teh goverment shalt protect us from teh evil.
Except from that Jack Thompson person, whoever he is, from him there is no protection.
Im not bothered at all, i think its all a load of hype. For what reason? **** knows.
I ate a pigeon for breakfast.

Im to cool to die from bird flu.
Nope I'm not bothered. I don't think it's gonna be a big a problem as people are predicting

*looks out of window*... but if it is... and if bird flu infects seagulls... I'm in trouble :P
SHIPPI said:
Nope I'm not bothered. I don't think it's gonna be a big a problem as people are predicting

*looks out of window*... but if it is... and if bird flu infects seagulls... I'm in trouble :P
You are so going to have your personal "The Birds"... Keep your camera handy :P
Repeat after me...Birdflu is BullS...Birdflu is BullS...Birdflu is BullS...Birdflu is BullS...

Incase you cant guess, no im not paranoid :p
i have been more afraid of spiders since...The Incident...but not really birds
Just wash your hands and you'll be fine, no where near as big a deal as some people are making out of it.

The few people who have died just happened to be working hands on with the buggers.
Well the fear is that this Flu could mutate into a very infectious strain.

But yeah, certainly wash your hands, not only when handling poultry.

I'm not worried about it, I'm confident that I'll be clean/healthy enough to avoid any nastiness. I'm more worried about Salmonella.
kirovman said:
Well the fear is that this Flu could mutate into a very infectious strain.

But yeah, certainly wash your hands, not only when handling poultry.

I'm not worried about it, I'm confident that I'll be clean/healthy enough to avoid any nastiness.
Being healthy has nothing to do with it. People have in most cases no resistance to bird flu.
ríomhaire said:
Being healthy has nothing to do with it. People have in most cases no resistance to bird flu.

Being healthy, you can have a good immune system to deal with the threat as quickly as possible.

Have you noticed, just for example if you get really drunk, you can catch colds more easily from weakened immune systems.

When I exercise regularly, I notice I get sick a lot less and for shorter periods than if I was inactive. I concluded that with my personal experience.
The only reason we see symtoms with flu and most infections is because the body is developing resistance there and then. keep a healthy immune system yeh, if it mutates spreading can be prevented by just keeping clean and not kissing, rubbing, or breathing against random people or object's.
clarky003 said:
not kissing, rubbing, or breathing against random people or object's.
Not going to happen for some people!

Sad thing is, it is all blown out of proportion, its deadly to birds indeed, but only to humans IF it mutates to a human strain, which is a big if in itself..we could say this about any disease on the planet that an animal has. Just another example of the media trying to shock/scare people. They'll be bored of it next week and back onto MRSA or something similar.
I'm more worried about the nano-engineering virus known as the Grey Death.

Luckily I'm stocked up on vaccine:

Hectic Glenn said:
Not going to happen for some people!

Sad thing is, it is all blown out of proportion, its deadly to birds indeed, but only to humans IF it mutates to a human strain, which is a big if in itself..we could say this about any disease on the planet that an animal has. Just another example of the media trying to shock/scare people. They'll be bored of it next week and back onto MRSA or something similar.
Wrong, there is already a human strain of the flu which has killed something upward of sixty people. However, I'm not worried at all and I haven't paid any attention to erratic birdbehavior or other tinfoil hat shit like that. I was more scared of SARS than this, and I wasn't scared of SARS.
I have always lived in dread fear of the demonic birds. They look at me and I see vile hate in their eyes.

But no.