have you ever..


Nov 17, 2003
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its the end of the day. the whole day youve had the worst pain in your lower abdomen because you've had this MASSIVE amount of gas filling every cubic centimeter of your intestines. maybe its because of the 18 inch pizza you ate that morning. what matters is the enormous bloating pressure against your body, making it hard to walk or even breathe. you know when its at its pinnacle, the pressure just gets unbearable and then you know. you KNOW its about to be over. slowly the bloated gas bubble squeezes out and exit pain and discomfort, enter the worst smelling gaseous ass cloud youve ever experienced. that just happened to me. plz post comments below.
ive had bad gas for the last month and a half, so I feel your pain.
dekstar said:
did it smell of pizza?
i hate it when it smells like pizza, cuz it never smells like good pizza, it smells like nasty rotten pizza
I flatulate almost perpetually so that kind of thing that never happens.

I do remember almost that exact thing happening one day when I was a kid though. I had been feeling ill all day, until I arrived home and got to my front door - all I remember is the biggest sense of release, as if 40% of my internal bodymass had vapourised and escaped from me. I can barely remember last week, but that memory has stuck with me for something like 15 years.
Laivasse said:
I flatulate almost perpetually so that kind of thing that never happens.


*Wipes a tear from eye* lol, that was great.
Laivasse said:
I do remember almost that exact thing happening one day when I was a kid though. I had been feeling ill all day, until I arrived home and got to my front door - all I remember is the biggest sense of release, as if 40% of my internal bodymass had vapourised and escaped from me. I can barely remember last week, but that memory has stuck with me for something like 15 years.
OH YES thats exactly it.
The worst is when it's a combination of sheer volume of gas, and the kind of smell you'd expect upon your entry to Hell.
Yes and it lead to diareah to THE EXTREME!
Dood here's a disclaimer and its f****** true

I fart every where I go....
It's funny when you're in an elevator and just release.

Specially since if there's a baby in there you can blame that :D
have you ever..
its the end of the day. the whole day youve had the worst pain in your lower abdomen because you've had this MASSIVE amount of gas filling every cubic centimeter of your intestines. maybe its because of the 18 inch pizza you ate that morning. what matters is the enormous bloating pressure against your body, making it hard to walk or even breathe. you know when its at its pinnacle, the pressure just gets unbearable and then you know. you KNOW its about to be over. slowly the bloated gas bubble squeezes out and exit pain and discomfort, enter the worst smelling gaseous ass cloud youve ever experienced. that just happened to me. plz post comments below.

Errr. No. :o
specialmax said:
Dood here's a disclaimer and its f****** true

I fart every where I go....

Stay the **** away from me
man i've had shitting problems lately, shitting like a wildman!
I had like a week where every morning i would wake up unable to move cos of abdomenal pains that was excruciating, couldnt make a noise just had to wait forit to go, which lasted about 2 minutes, such releif when you can actually breath prope rly and move:)
Its horrible when you've got gas and you can't stand, or sit, and you dont want to frat because its at a party and you'll clear the room out.

So you try the bathroom but there's no lock on the door and virtually no way to air the place out, so if you do fart all the gas will leak into the corridor and into the party and everything living will die.

I'm sure thats how the Nazi's did it.
ailevation said:
man i've had shitting problems lately, shitting like a wildman!

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry For Laughing At ya Its Just so Damn Funny