Havings some problems..


Oct 30, 2004
Reaction score
My brother came home for the holiday and started playing HL2 with my account and on the same computer. Hes also going to buy HL2 because of the deathmatch too :)

HL2 has worked just fine,without any problems untill now.
When you start the game from the beginning again, the characters doesnt seem to work as they should.
When my brother met Alyx at the first time in the game, she didnt go into the elevator, and just stood there frozen. But that happened only because he run first inside the elevator before her.
After he met Judith, it was impossible to continue the game anymore. She walked to the elevator door, pushed the button and just stood there frozen, no matter what you did :(

I´ve read about some people having similias problems with the AI , but that was only on the illegal copys :/
Could be some silly bug or something on the save game file maby..?

What about the upgrades? How to do that manually?
I dont think the steam is upgrading automatically anymore :/
Had a similar problem with mine, so i tried "ai_disable 1" in the console then enabled it by "ai_disable 0". This worked on mine for any ai flaws but this was back at its release, I would have thought ai problems would be sorted now ;)

Dont know how to upgrade manually, but the whole point of steam (apart from monitoring playing habits) is to remove the need to.

If you have "update automatically" selected on HL2 in properties, it will check on connection to see if it needs updating. If your using dialup this takes an age. Also once its downloaded the update to 100% it will take a few minutes before the game is ready to play offline. Do not use your browser to surf as this stops it updating. (depending on connection speed)

hope this is of use and correct.
D08L3-H3L1X said:
Dont know how to upgrade manually, but the whole point of steam (apart from monitoring playing habits) is to remove the need to.

they monitor playin habits?!?!
Thanks for the reply.
Well, I tried the ai_disable thing in the console, but it doesnt seem to work though. I mean I can turn it on and off but it won´t solve the problem.
Oh well, I suppose my brother should just start the game all over again and see what happens, but hes just too lazy to do that. His loss :P
Well, hopefully I wont see any of the same problems later on the game tho.. :/
hmph, very nice :(
My brother took my old save game, which worked just fine when I played, but after he got to the black mesa place where he meets Judith the first time, she still wont go inside the f***ing elevator!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
I think that its nothing to do with the AI, because she seems to just stand there but she follows you with her eyes. Seems like theres some script thats missing???
My father hasnt got there yet, so he cant either continue the game anymore because of the weird bug.. :(
This sucks, the game you buy shouldnt have those kind of bugs. Where can I complain about the matter?? Where should I e-mail????
You can use map codes if you run into this common problem or just start a new game on the same level.

Both usually cause the AI to wake up. :)

To restart the level, select new game from the menu.

However, if you are most of the way through a level and restarting the whole thing would be a pain, use a map code. What a map code does is restart the bit of the level you are on since you last saw it say loading.

For the Judith bit after the airboat level, load the game, press the button to the top left of your keyboard next to 1, then type into the console that appears:

map d1_eli_01

This will load that map again. And Judith will probably wake up this time.

(If the console doesn't appear when you press that key, go to Options-->Keyboard-->Advanced and make sure Enable Developer Console is ticked. Then try the key again.)
B-man how the hell does your system run hl 2 like s**t?
mines a AMD Athlon XP 2000+ 768mb pc2700 ram ati radeon 9600 128mb card and I can run it without any problems at all, with all settings on max (even anti aliasing).

took 256mb of ram out and stuttering came back try getting more ram!

Toffee have you used any of the performance tweaks from the forums?
some of them knacker your game like the suggestion to make "ai_no_rebuildgraph 1" this would cause the ai to be disabled due to out of date node graph. sorted that by "ai_no_rebuildgraph 1" then "ai_disable 0" (every level change)
so I suppose you could try the above and hope it rebuilds your node graphs. Also when the characters stop working, bring the console down and post the error message that it should show in red(i think).
Sorry if this doesnt make any scense i'm hung over and at work bad combination. will try tonight to recreate your error.
right, I tried this :

supaloz said:
first find the folder \half life 2\hl2\cfg.
inside create new text doc called ai_fix.cfg.
in this new doc write

ai_norebuildgraph "1"
ai_disable "0"

then make the file read only (right click then properties)
then in \half life 2\hl2\cfg find a file called valve
open it using notepad
under the line that says exec autoexec.cfg write
exec ai_fix.cfg.
save the change to the document and the ai will be restored and your good to go!

Didnt work :(

And doomed - uk , I did that, no effect what so ever :(

Well, thanks for your help anyway. I guess there was no other solution than just jump to the next loading area. And that was the one where Alyx gives you the Gravity Gun. Its a shame that you have to jump over it like that, but I guess there was nothing important sayed there in the between, I cant remember..
But it better not happen again! :frown:
D08L3-H3L1X said:
Sorry if this doesnt make any scense i'm hung over and at work bad combination. will try tonight to recreate your error.

lol.You are surfing the HL2 forums at work, and drinking the day before? You should be ashamed. :)
Toffee said:
And doomed - uk , I did that, no effect what so ever :(

That's strange as it's worked for other people, though they might have tried it a couple of times.
Go into the elavator and then quicksave then quickload and the AI should kick in again. I thought this was an issue with the unlegit versions of the game? I have never had an AI problem with my legit version. Did you buy this game dude?
Yes, dude, it is bought from the shop. Well, I didnt pay for it, my father did. :)
There was no problems with the AI before, and I can continue my game normally tho.
Hmm, I doubt that that quickload thing will work, but I´ll give it a try. Now I dont have access to the other computer, but I keep on trying once more, then I´ll just give up. :/
You should e-mail VALVe and they will give you a shirt
Danimal said:
You should e-mail VALVe and they will give you a shirt

woo, that is really comforting. I´ve always wanted a shirt.
Well, I did allready send an e-mail yesterday, but I dont think I´ll get any answers for a looong time...
I got it to work!!!!!11 :D
I did a bunch of quicksaves and tried every time to stand in different spots, and after I stood in the right place, she finally moved inside!
Should have thought about that earlyer :)
Thanks for the advice!