haw dou we make are onw dm_snipe server



can eny un please tell me haw to make your onw server.i m relly nouw.iv been tring to find out haw to make wor onw server and i havingt figert it out.and i hope that you pepoles hellp me.
load hl2dm
click create server
select map
play and have fun
Is English your second language?
Doesn't look like small child english nor text speak. I'd say second language.
I'd have to go with some kid thinkin he's funny doing it on purpose :|

I cen tak leik n idiut to lolz

If that's not the case then holy shit man get some learnin'!!!
By the looks of it, I'd say he knows how to SPEAK English as a second language pretty well, however, he does not know how to spell it very well, hence the wrong letters but similar sounding words if you just read it like it looks.

Could you tell us the story, Ubudee?
I like speaky English D: