Hay guyz help plz

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Oct 11, 2004
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I've got to write a short story of about 1,500 words and I'm completely stuck for ideas. I'm normally quite good at coming up with stuff but I've completely blanked and I need to start writing soon. Has anybody got any original plot ideas that I could use? It can be about absolutely anything.(Not too crazy though!)

Thanks :)
Pick random words in a dictionary and see if those give you ideas.
It's about a distant future where somehow women are becoming less and less fertile until at last there're only 50 people left in the world. It takes place in the ruins in the old world and is about the last years of humanity.


It's about 15000 people on a spaceship headed for a distant star, where life is thought to exist. It will take 7000 years or 300 generations. The story is about how the culture and civilization on that ship change during those 300 generations.
Yeah, absolutely anything. Thanks Monkey, but somehow I don't think those ideas would fit into 1500 words :O
Write about a guy's one-way ride to death. You can fill in the blanks: maybe it's some vigilante that demands justice for his murdered [blank] and absolutely pwns some enemies, or maybe it's a cop that realizes some of his collegues are dirty and he needs to take them down together with the drug baron that's paying 'em.

Go nuts :p
It's about a distant future where somehow women are becoming less and less fertile until at last there're only 50 people left in the world. It takes place in the ruins in the old world and is about the last years of humanity.

Children of Men? What a great movie that was... That reminded me of it.
The exploits of a physically repulsive sex addict at a bar over the course of the evening. As he slowly descends into drunken letcherousness, he begins to question his meaningless existence and decides to overcome his addiction by over-riding it with another; heroin.

Hmm. I like it.
Children of Men? What a great movie that was... That reminded me of it.
Pretty much, only here it all happens slowly, and it will be more about humanity's desperation and loneliness. I think it will write that book one day, so if you ever see it on the shelves you know who wrote it.
These are all just random thoughts for plots I've got... May or may not be that original.

1. On a dare, some kid goes into creepy house alone and meets a nice old lady who gives him cookies and milk. He then plays a trick on his friends with the old lady.

2. A terrorist hijacker ends up talking to some passenger on the plane while they're en route to wherever, and he realizes the evil they're about to commit and kills/persuades his fellow hijackers to end it safely.

3. Some police in a donut shop... eating donuts... I don't know where I was going with that.

4. Write a suicide note as your short story, listing reasons and saying its not parents/gf/bf/whatever's fault, etc... (not for you unless you'd like being branded an emokid, but it could be really interesting I think)

Off to eat, might have a few more then if you don't have any idea still.
I'd like a sense of proportion and manners for Christmas.
Last couple of short stories I wrote... (Don't copy blatantly, but ideas are ideas)

1. The apocalypse of the human race, told from the perspective of the ferryman of ancient mythology.
2. A teenager running away from home. (More to it than that, but thats the best summary)
3. A pair of young adults/teens finds themselves with a broken car outside creepy mansion, one goes inside while other jogs back to a service station. Owner kills both. It's a simple story but I told it in a very unusual way... Had it split into two timelines, one going forwards from when their car broke down, one going backwards from the death scene of the guy who went inside the house, finally ending when the two timelines meet.

And there's one or two sections from my current writing project that would work as short stories, too.
Try this is amusing and great:-


For example:-

Premise: Underacheiving sorcerors seek adventure and romance on the high seas.

Premise: Angstful androids fulfill an ancient prophecy in modern-day China.

Premise: Mysterious psychopaths perform covert operations in Revolution-era America.

Premise: Amnesiac ninjas indulge their peculiar hobbies in post-apocalyptic Tokyo.

Premise: Elementally empowered ghosts fulfill an ancient prophecy in modern-day Italy.

Just about everything is better with rape

Tell my sister that asshole.
:(, everything fictional, that is. Rape is bad in the real world.

Now really going to go eat. Stupid lack of easily prepared food...
Premise: Communist catgirls fight the Communist threat in the unimaginably distant future.

I lol'd.
Nothing is funny about rape, asshole. Next time it's an infraction.
Nothing is funny about rape, asshole. Next time it's an infraction.
You're kidding me, right? This is the god damn interent, it was a joke.

If everyone took offense to everything, the internet would be incredibly boring.

In fact just take a look at a couple of your own posts. I search "rape" under your username and find just these on the first page of results.


And those are just the posts where you are referring to actual rape, as opposed to where you "use the word in vain".

Do you see how ridiculous your over reaction is?
Write about your life in the future. I did that once for psychology, I was raped a couple times, but ended up killing the guy ten years later, and I became a terrorist and flooded the netherlands, and lived in the amazon for ten years. My teacher was horrified, and when my mom found it she said she wanted to send me to a psychiatrist.
Inferno's idea about the suicide note would be pretty good if you made an entire back-story for the character, or like have the note at the start, which sort of explains a few things like his job (could be something like stock broker) and then skip to previous where his life and job falls apart. Maybe you could do the stock market crash.
Write a monologue a guy might give after dying. Reflecting on his life and what-not. Not specifics of his life or anything, just general feelings and self-conflicts. Could fit into around 1,500 words, and would probably be pretty fun.
You're kidding me, right? This is the god damn interent, it was a joke.

If everyone took offense to everything, the internet would be incredibly boring.

In fact just take a look at a couple of your own posts. I search "rape" under your username and find just these on the first page of results.


And those are just the posts where you are referring to actual rape, as opposed to where you "use the word in vain".

Do you see how ridiculous your over reaction is?

Well... I sit on two fences here. I agree with Ennui and Vegeta. I don't find anything about rape funny... but it's sort of tolerated around here when people talk about it. It's hard to go a week without people incorporating rape to make people laugh on these forums. Seriously, it's true. Infractions would be kind of ridiculous.
Well... I sit on two fences here. I agree with Ennui and Vegeta. I don't find anything about rape funny... but it's sort of tolerated around here when people talk about it. It's hard to go a week without people incorporating rape to make people laugh on these forums. Seriously, it's true. Infractions would be kind of ridiculous.
I don't find actual rape funny either. That's a given.
Three suggestions:
a) start writing. Just ****ing start, with no ideas or anything.
b) look at some photos. Of landscapes, cities, people, whatever. Then start writing (you'd be surprised what might pop into your head)
c) get ****ing wasted. Go do whatever, but just make sure you have a notebook and pen with you. When something pops into your head, or you get bored doing whatever, go sit down in a corner somewhere and write. Doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing, **** anyone who doesn't get it. Then look at what you have tomorrow and write some more. I've written things that I'm very proud of this way

Those have all worked wonderfully for me at one point or another
4. Write a suicide note as your short story, listing reasons and saying its not parents/gf/bf/whatever's fault, etc... (not for you unless you'd like being branded an emokid, but it could be really interesting I think)

Something like this would be a great exercise in subtlety, story-wise
You're kidding me, right? This is the god damn interent, it was a joke.

If everyone took offense to everything, the internet would be incredibly boring.

In fact just take a look at a couple of your own posts. I search "rape" under your username and find just these on the first page of results.


And those are just the posts where you are referring to actual rape, as opposed to where you "use the word in vain".

Do you see how ridiculous your over reaction is?
Look at the context of all those. They're different.

In any case, it's not something I should particularly joke about or tolerate, even if I do. Because it's not funny.
How is that even an argument. "Look at the context" ok... "They're different" Wtf does that mean? No, they aren't different. You joke about raping someone. You make light of it. The same thing happened in this thread. I'm not dumbfounded by your reaction for no reason, Ennui. You're acting plainly out of your "i see rape joke, rape victims are not to be laughed at" which is just stupid. I could say the same thing to a large majority of all jokes on the internet.

I am looking at the context. It's you making light of rape. Period.

You laugh at a movie called "bro rape" which is basically a direct parody of actual rape, and yet when someone here makes a joke about it, they're an asshole.

There, that should be enough talk of rape in this thread.
Are fat people funny? Is racism funny? Is child molestation funny? Is krynn funny (;))? The answer to all of these is ofcourse no, so why do we laugh our asses off so hard about them in the image dump thread? Hell most of us dont find killing people cool, but we still play hl2. With all the offensive threads popping up lately about rape and suicide and how most people react like assholes, where do you draw the line? Just because its in a fictional world does that make it alright?
I don't know what the f*ck you're all talking about. Forcing myself on unsuspecting women is hilarious!

Gonna ban me now? neener neener neener :p
Just because its in a fictional world does that make it alright?
That isn't even the case here. It wouldn't be funny if he actually went ahead and made his story about rape. The fact that it was suggested and how ridiculous of a suggestion it is, is what makes it funny.
How is that even an argument. "Look at the context" ok... "They're different" Wtf does that mean? No, they aren't different. You joke about raping someone. You make light of it. The same thing happened in this thread. I'm not dumbfounded by your reaction for no reason, Ennui. You're acting plainly out of your "i see rape joke, rape victims are not to be laughed at" which is just stupid. I could say the same thing to a large majority of all jokes on the internet.

I am looking at the context. It's you making light of rape. Period.

You laugh at a movie called "bro rape" which is basically a direct parody of actual rape, and yet when someone here makes a joke about it, they're an asshole.

It's me making light of:

- male rape, in the first instance, which is hardly comparable. I mean sure, prison rape sucks, but it's both easier for me to joke about because I am male and because it's not a widespread crime.
- bro rape, which is the same damn thing, is a completely fictional occurence, and happens to be funny as hell.
- me being raped by shippi, in the implications that that would not be rape because that would be consensual and desired (although I was kidding)

Sure, it's a tricky subject, but I have pretty well-defined ideas of what's okay and what isn't; perhaps they're opinion, but it boils down to one of two things. Either the comments in this thread were inappropriate, or the comments in this thread AND my previous comments were inappropriate.

Vegeta, I know you love to nitpick about stupid shit but this isn't the place. The context of rape in this thread was immediately defiled because Kayadi has clearly had some bad experiences with it in his family, which means it has to stop in the thread.

Also, overreaction? Overreaction would have been infractions, which I did not give, opting for a warning in the thread instead. Hot Soup came in later and gave infractions, how about you bitch at him for a while?

Jangle feel free to make a new thread but this one is closed.
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