Hayden Christensen...WTF??!?!

This is all horrible.

Why can't they leave old classics as is?
Hellboy6400 said:
That page has nothing connection with HL! :sleep:

Who said it had? Check the forum name, General Off-Topic Chat :p
George really likes to fix things that aren't broken.

I mean wtf!! Why is Anakins force ghost suddenly 20 years younger? Shouldn't it be a 40 year old force ghosst....or something....oh lol ****. Why am i even bothering?

Screw you Lucas!!
most of the changes are welcome but having hayden as the force ghost at the end just isnt one of them...

and whats with the eyebrow removal??!?
[Matt] said:
most of the changes are welcome but having hayden as the force ghost at the end just isnt one of them...

and whats with the eyebrow removal??!?

Reminds me of the Dragon Ball Z censorship - http://www.dbzoa.net/dbzuncensored/


/me waits for the men all dressed in black to come and revoke said posts :sniper:
George Lucas should use Steam from now on...

Changelog for Star Wars

- Changed some minor actors
- Improved Luke's acting
- Updated TIE fighters with new model
Those bits didn't bother me in the Trilogy. The only thing I wan't is for the space battles to be more intense
Can someone confirm if the Han vs Greedo scene has been changed back to Han shooting first? That pathetic head dodge he did in the special additions was ...pathetic.
Cybernoid said:
George Lucas should use Steam from now on...

Changelog for Star Wars

- Changed some minor actors
- Improved Luke's acting
- Updated TIE fighters with new model

Haha... Funny stuff! :E
I don't see a problem with it really.. They've just fixed up a few things to improve how they look and fit together better. So long as they don't screw about with it too much there's no harm done.
In the 1997 special edition of "The Empire Strikes Back", they mentioned that the cockpit of the snowspeeder appeared translucent in the original and you could see the legs of the walkers through the cockpit controls. But in the special edition, I can still see the minor problem with combining the two shots (cockpit and walker), I wonder if they will keep it as it is.

Anyway things that I will like to see changed
-CG animation of Ackbar and the crew
-A more busier Mos Eisley (in the speeder shot)

The Y-wing fighter has slight resemblance to the Naboo Transport (episode1)
I think it's a superb idea! It sounds stupid but when I saw it was like a feeling like the circle is really complete. The same kind of feeling I had when I saw ESB for the first time back in '96 when they re-released the trilogy.
In the 1997 special edition of "The Empire Strikes Back", they mentioned that the cockpit of the snowspeeder appeared translucent in the original and you could see the legs of the walkers through the cockpit controls. But in the special edition, I can still see the minor problem with combining the two shots (cockpit and walker), I wonder if they will keep it as it is.

Anyway things that I will like to see changed
-CG animation of Ackbar and the crew
-A more busier Mos Eisley (in the speeder shot)

The Y-wing fighter has slight resemblance to the Naboo Transport (episode1)
Unless they still have the original separate passes, fixing the translucent problem might involve painting it out by hand, or some CG trick, cloning a section of it or something.. It's not very noticable, atleast I think they got rid of the outlines.
Anyway things that I will like to see changed
-CG animation of Ackbar and the crew
-A more busier Mos Eisley (in the speeder shot)

The Y-wing fighter has slight resemblance to the Naboo Transport (episode1)

Lucas just needs to stop. STOP I say. It's madness.
Mr-Fusion said:
George really likes to fix things that aren't broken.

I mean wtf!! Why is Anakins force ghost suddenly 20 years younger? Shouldn't it be a 40 year old force ghosst....or something....oh lol ****. Why am i even bothering?

Screw you Lucas!!
I have a pretty good explanation. Obiwan says that Darth Vader KILLED Luke's father. He killed the good parts of Hayden/Anakin & became Vader. So yeah. Anakin died when he was about 25+ years old. So Vader == Anakin's age + Vader's age - 25ish years. Logic is such a beautiful thing :E

Edit: So we finally see the real Anakin & the way he looked when he really died. Makes sense to me.

2nd Edit:
TheDigitalBits.com said:
Then, after the second Death Star is destroyed, when the film cuts to the various celebrations around the galaxy, Naboo is now included among the planets we see. Finally (and this is a big one), when the Force ghosts of Ben, Yoda and Anakin appear to Luke at the very end of the film, actor Sebastian Shaw has been replaced with Hayden Christensen (as he'll appear in Episode III). That's going to piss off a lot of fans, but it makes sense. I suspect the rational is that a Jedi's Force ghost is frozen in appearance at the exact moment of his or her death. Since Anakin Skywalker basically ceases to exist in Episode III (becoming Darth Vader), his ghost remained at that age. Yeah, it's a stretch, but hey... within the logic of the universe, it does make sense. Like it or not.
lol I guess I was right :P :D
Originally Posted by [Matt]
and whats with the eyebrow removal??!?

I think they wanted it to be consistent. Vader was thrown in a lava pit and got all messed up. Hair doesn't grow on scar tissue, so why would he have eyebrows and not hair on his scalp?
It would be good if Hayden Christiansen wasn't such a bad actor.
Alec_85 said:
I have a pretty good explanation. Obiwan says that Darth Vader KILLED Luke's father. He killed the good parts of Hayden/Anakin & became Vader. So yeah. Anakin died when he was about 25+ years old. So Vader == Anakin's age + Vader's age - 25ish years. Logic is such a beautiful thing :E

Edit: So we finally see the real Anakin & the way he looked when he really died. Makes sense to me.

When I was younger and I watched the Star Wars Trilogy for the first time (very exciting), it didn't click in my mind as to who the guy was standing next to Yoda and Ben. I originally thought it was Luke's uncle or something. :laugh: :P
Of course I realized that it was indeed his father, Anikan, who was there with the others. The adding of Hayden to the scene, allows for people (younger people) to make the connection immediately.

He's making the movies appear like a true saga, instead of just two seperate trilogies with the same name. I'll wait until I actually see the DVD version before I get upset with the changes. I was, after all, happy with many of the changes that they did with the Special Edition.
A True Canadian: The same thing happened to me. It's not like that Vader & Anakin look alike at all (well not much anyway) in ROTJ. But you connect it pretty fast anyway :)

*Waits for the third trilogy to get into motion with enormous anticipication (sp?)*
For me the problem is not all these changes - yes they are fairly annoying and some of them I don't understand - but it's the fact that the changes in my opinion simply don't sit well in the films. I mean here you have these 1980's ( and 1979 ) films and the newer cg just doesnt look right to me. Plus the fact most of us will have seen these in the cinema or tv in the original state and alterations just detract from it as a whole be they good or bad.
I'm really glad they fixed some of the CG inconsistancies.

Most notably Jabba ofcourse.

The only thing I do have a slight problem with is with replacing Anakin with Hayden. But all in all it's better than the last one.

/me rubs hands
My preorder is comming along nicely :P
I don't see what the big deal is about changing to Hayden in ROTJ.
Apparently in Episode 3 Annikan is presented with a choice to go with the light side or the dark side and choses the dark side but when he is turned back to the light side at the end of ROTJ his "force" essence resemebles who he was before he became a homocidal maniac.

EDIT: Somebody beat me to it
The digital changes to Empire for this DVD release are fewer than they are in A New Hope. In fact, there are only three major changes. These include the use of Temuera Morrison as the voice of Boba Fett

They did WHAT!!?
The more I hear about the DVD release and it's changes, the more I'm starting to question if it actually is worth buying it.

Replacing Boba Fett's voice? :x

GL is a lunatic :|
he's really screwed with my childhood. why can't he just release the originals on dvd and make the SE dvds later? or make the option on the dvd itself of choosing the newer scenes. they can do that.
They should have used Michael Jacksons voice for Boba Fett.

Darth Vader "No disentegrations...."
Bobba Fett "Lisa its your birthday... happy birthday Lisa!!!!"
Everything apart from the stupid Anakin thing is lookin okay.