HBO The Pacific Sneak Peak

Why the **** did anyone want to save Australia?? It's more of a wasteland than Siberia.
YAY. Been waiting for some sort of official trailer for ages now and that looked pretty damn cool, though really what we just saw there was Saving Private Ryan's D-Day scene but in the sun. Regardless, I can't wait.
What's a 'Pacific Sneak'?

Is that like when you get through a stealth game without ever killing anyone, or even touching the guards at all? That's always my favourite way to play stuff like Thief.
Is this the Band of Brothers pacific editio? Or something different ?
^ Yeah, basically.

****ing bring it on. This has been my most anticipated series since it was announced.
I want this desperately. Band of Brothers is so goddamn epic.
What everyone else said. BoB is my favourite series evah.
****ing finally, been dying to see footage.

Can't wait.
Ahaha look its Timmy all grown up...on an island...again...

This will undoubtedly never live up to the sheer brilliance of the first, either way, still cant wait.

BoB is undoubtedly my favourite series ever.
I bet the dinosaurs will save him when he gets in trouble. Except for the raptors, they probably would fight for the japs.
