HD....an overhyped scam?


Jan 21, 2006
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Is it just me?Me and my grandfather go to circuit city to get rid of our 45 inch hd ready tv,for a 50inch hdtv.and were like OBOY! we got HD.Then we had to upgrade from our normal directv dish to a super directv dish which looks like it came out of a science fiction movie.Then we have to upgrade our directv receiver to hd,which with a rebate only costs 100$,but to get a HD drectv receiver with dvr so we can continue using our tivo,it costs like 700$.and then you finally get HD.YES!...no.......only certain channels are in Hd,which amounts to about 5 channels on directv that cost you extra monthly!!!!!!!! So all this expensive stuff is only noticeable when your watching DISCOVERY HD,which ill admit looks F**** AMAZING in the store.But is it just me or is this all a little ridiculous?
Codcommando said:
Is it just me?Me and my grandfather go to circuit city to get rid of our 45 inch hd ready tv,for a 50inch hdtv.and were like OBOY! we got HD.Then we had to upgrade from our normal directv dish to a super directv dish which looks like it came out of a science fiction movie.Then we have to upgrade our directv receiver to hd,which with a rebate only costs 100$,but to get a HD drectv receiver with dvr so we can continue using our tivo,it costs like 700$.and then you finally get HD.YES!...no.......only certain channels are in Hd,which amounts to about 5 channels on directv that cost you extra monthly!!!!!!!! So all this expensive stuff is only noticeable when your watching DISCOVERY HD,which ill admit looks F**** AMAZING in the store.But is it just me or is this all a little ridiculous?

Well...HD will be the standard in the Near future, so it's not a scam...but..by then the HD TV sets will be a little better..so I'll wait until I get one.

EDIT: Also, I recommend NOT buying a Plasma TV. For one they don't last very long and two, if you lay them down, or put them sideways, your TV is destroyed and you voided your warrenty. I recommend buying a LCD projection TV or if possible, a big screen CRT HDTV. Why CRT?? Because CRT has the best contrast ratio and it's analog..which is much better than a digital TV (if done correctly)...and they last longer. For those of you who want to say "But HDTV IS a digital TV you Blockhead!!!!1", a CRT both digital and analog, first of all, the signal coming in from the component cables is encoded for your TV to decode into an HDTV signal. Then it's encoded again and sent off to the CRT, which has 3 electron emitters which blast the signal (in an analog fashion) on to the screen. This is also a better way to produce an image then a projection TV, as a projection TV sends the image to the back of the TV which is flipped and recasted on to the front of the TV, in which you lose a lot of contrast, and the light is mostly focused on the center of the screen, so if your looking at the TV at a slight angle, you lose even more contrast.
Its DVDs and videogames that puts the most value into it, so it can be worth it for some people right now.
As it is now, yes. But in a few years, most everyone will have to switch over.
Unfortunately. HD doesn't really add anything to the experience in my opinion, I mean, analogue to digital is great, black and white to colour was awesome. What does this do? Make my picture look slightly sharper on an enormous TV? I don't have an enormous TV, so I don't actually care that much. Overhyped by a long shot, it's tech companies realising they need another big boom like DVD in order to keep themselves up.
Theres a difference, you just need to sit down with a set and then go back to a normal one. Its can be really impressive.
Yeah thats pretty f***ing expensive, sounds like a scam to me.
Overhyped to insane levels. In a few years it will become a standard but the fact is that every TV that works now will still work perfectly fine with HD programming then.

They look nice but they simply aren't worth the money if you aren't willing to spend for a home theater setup. They aren't nearly as good looking as many say.
The Mullinator said:
Overhyped to insane levels. In a few years it will become a standard but the fact is that every TV that works now will still work perfectly fine with HD programming then.

They look nice but they simply aren't worth the money if you aren't willing to spend for a home theater setup. They aren't nearly as good looking as many say.

I think codcommando is a troll.
Lou said:
I think codcommando is a troll.

Actually the unofficial defenition of a "troll" is:a person who posts rude or offensive messages on the Internet, such as on online discussion forums, to disrupt discussion or to upset its participants.By posting that you disrupted the discussion,and you upset me when you called me a liar in your post in my other thread.Who's the troll now? checkmate :)
The Mullinator said:
I can't see how you have that opinion from this thread.

Because his life is like a movie
My parents just got a hd plasma tv and it rocks. Also we had directv like you and it cost $100 to install the hd pack so we got dish network, and it rocks. Same as directv but in hd! Also its free to install.
Well I heard from a site that said that HD programming will become standard in the very-near future. (like 2007, or 2008). We have one hdtv upstairs, its like 24'' and has a few hd channels standard which look really good I must say...but my aunt has a really bigscreen HDTV and my uncle showed me Discovery HD channel I was like blown away by the quality...hd is really good
HD tv + upconvert dvd player = teh win. I can't wait till SED tv's start being produced. I friggin HATE CRT TV's, I dont think I can stress this enough. Then again I work at best buy and we have to carry the damn things around all the time. Fat unnessecarily heavy pieces of shit, kinda like most of out customers... :(. Seriously a 60" plasma weighs far far less than a 34" tube tv...
Well, I'm sure as hell waiting for OLED, SED, and all those other oh-so-beautiful new technologies.

Btw, shouldn't this be in the Hardware forum?
at work our sat provider has over 20 hd channels, and more if you include the ppv
Codcommando, whether he realises it or not your Pops is what in the industry is known as an 'innovator'. He's the dude that spends the big bu-bu-bucks being one of the first to get technology, which he ultimatley won't even see the full benefit of for years to come (when the technology will ultimatley be much cheaper to mass produce).
craig said:
Codcommando, whether he realises it or not your Pops is what in the industry is known as an 'innovator'. He's the dude that spends the big bu-bu-bucks being one of the first to get technology, which he ultimatley won't even see the full benefit of for years to come (when the technology will ultimatley be much cheaper to mass produce).

I think the phrase is 'early adopter'. "Innovator" would suggest he invented or helped invent the technology in the first place. :)
Well like I said,I think the whole HD thing is just a waste of time at this point,but my grandad is loaded,and everything will be HD in a couple years anyways,so I figure more power to him.