HD DVD may as well be dead

Mod Vs. Mod!


Yea, and Wal-Mart is actually slow behind Netflix and Best Buy. HD-DVD's only hope is amazon.com. After them, they're truly dead.
Imagine the horror if Microsoft had added HDDVD Drives directly into the xbox360..
Imagine the horror if Microsoft had added HDDVD Drives directly into the xbox360..

Things might have turned out differently if MS had included an HD-DVD drive. The PS3 seemed to be the tipping point for Blu-Ray...
Xbox 360 Elite upscales all my dvd's to HD resolutions anyway.
HD-DVD is OFFICIALLY dead now. Toshiba has just thrown in the towel.
I guess all the HD DVD people can put their player on top of their Beta machine.
Jesus, this seemed like it almost happened overnight.

Quite nearly 'over before Christmas'. Not that that could have happened, since I presume Christmas sales would have secured this victory/defeat.
No doubt Sony will 'celebrate' by putting the price up on their players and discs tomorrow then. World prepare for the biggest format ass ****ing you are ever likely to receive :rolleyes:
I half regret selling my HDDVD player/disks now. Movies will be dirt cheap.
No doubt Sony will 'celebrate' by putting the price up on their players and discs tomorrow then. World prepare for the biggest format ass ****ing you are ever likely to receive :rolleyes:
Why would they do that? Then people would buy Blu-ray players from other manufactures and not Sony.
Yeah, its not really Sony's call on such things. Or at least not theres alone, and it doesn't make any good business sense.
Not surpised I've got to say and now all we've got to do is wait for blu-ray and HD to become the standard. I'm going to have to replace all my movies :flame:

Also I imagine sony would put price down to further drive hddvd into the grave.
I liked HD DVD more, shame. But whatever.
Blu-Ray Xbox 360 is planned by Microsoft as well.


Rumours were circulating today that Microsoft is set to dump HD DVD and bring out a Blu ray Xbox 360 by as early as May 2008. The move will allow the Company to go head to head with the Sony PS3 gaming console which has been credited with being one of the main reasons that retailers have preferred Blu-ray over Toshiba’s HD DVD.
Wow. Good news indeed for everyone. And I was (at one point) this close to buying the HD-DVD add-on for my 360!! Good thing I waited it out. And good on Sony for and the rest of the Blu-ray coalition for doing their part in winning this atrocious "war".
It's just a shame the side with the most no brainer popcorn flicks won over side that boasted a superior number quality movies. Once again the general public speaks out ('oh Spiderman 3'!) and gets it wrong. I shouldn't be surprised - it explains things like the DC dying early, the popularity of McDonalds, and the Spice Girls.

Anyhoo - at least we only have to worry about buying for one format now.
*Sigh* It's rather unfortunate this happens.

Now we get to deal with inter-format confusion with multiple versions of the same format are out there! Let alone all current standalone Blu-Ray are obsolete so those who think they finally found the winner will only get screwed when Blu-Ray Profile 2.0 is out in a few months.

Then nobody is going to understand if they should buy "Bonus View" or "BD Live" movies, and if they don't have a Spec 2.0 player, and buy BD Live, then they can't even play it.

Ugh, it's so dumb.

HD DVD have same video quality. HD DVD had better IME with PIP and being able to do it in the movie and it picks up right where you are. HD DVD has only one freakin' version of the format so there won't be any further customer confusion.

The one thing Blu-Ray has superior over HD DVD is in storage space. Oh, and the fact that Sony has whopping money bags.

As you can see I'm a bit upset over it, but I suppose Sony was also bitching when they were thinking BetaMax was superior to VHS.
I think people will be fine. As long as they can play the main feature film in HD then they will be set. Sure they are missing out on a couple features a disc may have but that isn't the real reason why you buy the movie anyway.

HD DVD specifications are better IMO. But the studios wouldn't have region free. Plus Sony markets their stuff and their PS3 was in the mix. Oh well, it's better that there is 1 dominate format and the war was over quick.

Looks like from their press release they will be slowing production begining in March.
Now we get to deal with inter-format confusion with multiple versions of the same format are out there! Let alone all current standalone Blu-Ray are obsolete so those who think they finally found the winner will only get screwed when Blu-Ray Profile 2.0 is out in a few months.

Then nobody is going to understand if they should buy "Bonus View" or "BD Live" movies, and if they don't have a Spec 2.0 player, and buy BD Live, then they can't even play it.

Okay I'm confused. I've never even heard of that stuff before O_o
PS3 will get updated, other players may with some of the features if they have a network connection and the hardware already in them. Profiles
The things you claim HDDVD have over Blu-Ray... do they have anything to do with image quality? No? Then what's the use?
That is a legitimate quibble, but as long as we're not going back to Laser Disc I think the benefits of being down to one format far outweigh any small problems with the format.
Universal, Paramount, and Dreamworks are now Blu-ray too. This is all I was waiting for. Can't wait for some of the HD-DVD exclusives to appear on the Blu format.